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"I became insane. With the long intervals of horrible sanity."

3 years ago Davenport Household, Dublin, Ireland

Joseph Davenport stared intently at the small mouse as it tried to escape the steel trap placed on his desk. He was amused by its unwavering stamina and vibrancy. It ran fervently from one end to another, biting and clawing the metal walls, but in vain.

You can't escape your fate.

His father's words rang in his ears much to his dismay. Joseph never had a loving relationship with his late old man. He despised him. After all, he was the reason Joseph was thrust into the malicious world of mafia at the mere age of ten.

Ten, that was the age of Joseph when he had his first kill or in more 'mafia' terms - initiation. He became a Made Man at the age of ten. As a child, he relished the looks of admiration and occasional fear he received from the people around him.

Now, forty years later, he is anything but content. His wife died in the hands of the brutal Turkish mafia ten years ago. His daughter can't stay with him due to her safety reasons. He is around an army of soldiers, yet he is lonely.

A soft knock on the door interrupted his staring contest with the miserable rat.

"Come in," he replied in a gruff voice.

Maxine, his only child entered his office and smiled warmly upon seeing him.

"Father," she said and ran into his welcoming arms. "I missed you."

"I missed you too, iníon, " Joseph sincerely replied as he motioned her to sit across him.

Joseph watched as she folded her 5'6 figure on the plush chair, her silky raven locks spreading over the back of the chair.

"I won't beat around the bush, Maxine. I'm just come straight to the point."

Confusion shined in Maxine's eyes but she slowly nodded.

"I've been dodging this conversation for a long time. I wanted to wait. I needed some time. But, now I think the time has come."

This is it.

"I'm the Underboss of the Irish Crime Family." He paused for a moment and met her condemning stare.

Silence round one.

"Is this is some kind of sick twisted joke? If it is, well, the humour is dead."

"I'm afraid but, I'm not jesting."

Silence round two.

Maxine's eyes were wide as if someone was coming with a chainsaw to chop her into pieces. She felt imprisoned in her own psychosis. The hairs on the nape of her neck bristled as she repeated her father's sentence in her mind repeatedly.

She quietly stood up from the chair and staggered backwards, her breaths shallow.

Joseph cautiously approached Maxine. Guilt and shame sat on his chest. He reached out and clutched her shoulders but she instantly moved away as if his touch was acid.

"Don't touch me with those hands. Hands that you use to end people's lives." She glared. "I can't believe you hid this from me. You are a cold-hearted killer. "

Joseph's eyes hardened. "Do you think this is easy for me? I already have a lot on my plate. You are eighteen now, act your age and stop being melodramatic."

Maxine sneered. "Well, lucky you, I'm leaving for the airport right now. I can't stand to be in your presence right now. Goodbye Father. Happy killing. "

With that, the grey-eyed beauty stormed out of the office.

Joseph went back to his desk and chuckled when he saw his darling mouse lying limp in the cage.

"You can't escape your fate, little friend," he whispered sardonically.



Okay, so I'm finally back with a new story after a longgggggggggggggggggg hibernation. This plot is slightly different from my previous works. Mafia stuff & all. Honestly, this is my favourite type. I've lost count of how many I've read till now so naturally, I'm super hyped about Blood Is Thicker Than Water. Let's see where this one goes.

Don't forget to like and comment and of course PLEASE share this story with your friends! (GOD! I feel like a youtuber right now.)

BTW I had to write the entire prologue TWICE because I had accidentally pressed the goddamn DELETE button. HUFFF!!

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