Guilty Until Proven Innocent

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Thursday, June 5, 2013

1:45 p.m.

Detective Lockhart pinched the bridge of her nose in the same manner that her partner had previously done. This was getting fucking ridiculous! Corrine couldn't have possibly thought that, that was a believable story. Set up or not, it didn't explain why she ran.

She released an exasperated breathe before casting an irritated glance over her shoulder to Connor. "This is getting us absolutely nowhere, O'Riley." Corrine rolled her eyes at the detective. Of course she wouldn't believe her, this was the same woman that had been screwing her husband with absolutely no remorse.

"I do want you to know that this is your last chance to tell the truth and at least get a shorter sentence. After this, you're out there with the big dogs and they're ready to tear you apart. The media already drug your name through the mud. You look like the monster that killed her hero of a husband; there's no chance at all for you to get out of this scotch free." Connor slyly said.

Corrine didn't respond with words, only her stone expression. At this point, she was done explaining herself to some cops who, as far as she was concerned, were as dirty as he was. If what she'd just told them wasn't enough then she'd just have to deal with the consequences of her actions like an adult.

Connor audibly scoffed, "Suit yourself, Corrine."

Eventually, she was transported back to the jail where she was being held and escorted back to her cell by one of the guards. An amazonian of a woman with hair that was jet black, but tied in a professional, tight bun; skin the same color as a graham cracker; face daring an inmate to try their luck with her. Before the guard closed the bars to Corrine's cell, she slipped her a note:

I told you that there would be nothing for you to worry about, and I meant it. I just need you to be patient with me. In due time. We have to make it through the hearing, we have to make it look as less suspicious as possible since your situation is so public. In the meantime, stay strong like the soldier I know you are.

I can't thank you enough for what you've done for me, bella. That's why I'll make sure that you're safe. I got you, just like you had me.

- Cezar.

"In due time." Corrine whispered to herself before rolling her eyes, handing the note back to the guard. "Please God don't let me be stuck here." Once the guard left, she took her place on the uncomfortable cot, letting her mind drift off into the past; to what caused her to be in this predicament in the first place. Richard.



Friday, August 29, 2012

8:30 p.m.

"I will not support this, Richard! I already can't believe you eloped let alone to one of them. What were you thinking?" Sheryl, Richard's mother, shouted harshly. Though they had moved their conversation to another room, Sheryl's discontented voice could be heard miles away. Not that she gave a damn.

How dare her only son do something like this to her? She thought that she had instilled enough common sense and decency into him at a young age for him to know that. Not only did Richard successfully conceal this relationship for the past two years, but then he marries the woman without the consult of his mother. He robbed her of her chance to give him away. Now he has the audacity to bring this woman inside of her home, expecting her to be calm.

Richard knew exactly how his mother was about interracial relationships, which had been precisely why he kept Corrine hidden for so long. But Corrine being as stubborn as she is, refused to continue to be kept locked away like some dark secret. She was his wife, not a skeleton in the closet.

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