d r o w n i n g

19 5 5

But she's drowning.
Her screams are covered by the waves of them saying;
Depression is an ambiguous word
But she's more than a word,
Whilst that word she is.

She's screaming.
And wallow in your guilt and despair when it's too late, too late to hear her calling, crying under the murky waters.
The murky waters of your gender norms, your taboos, your
salty waters prick at the eyes of a man and a woman who just found out they are no longer parents.

And she's drowning.
Clinging on to the possibility of happiness,
choking, coughing, crying.
Underwater her tears only add to the problem,
until her tears are all she is drowning in.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2019 ⏰

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