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I’m back in this place, this nightmare. This time, no one chased me. Even if someone did, I’d stay here and just cry. This is the most I’ve felt hopeless.

“Stop crying, that’s not even the worst part of this.” the voice echoed, though I knew it was behind me. I turned around, expecting a woman, but it was the little girl from before – except she looks real, rather normal.

“If you want to kill me, please do it now. I’m not interested in anything you have to say.” I spat at her and went back to my crying. Pathetic, I know. I heard some shuffling as her small hand fell on my shoulder.

“But you have to hear me out. I don’t want you accepting your death just like this,” she spoke in such a genuine way that made me look at her as she continued.

“You were a good kid, Elizabeth. You were kind, thoughtful and caring. You always wondered how other people were and think about them when you’re doing something. You helped others in need. Every mother would wish they had a daughter like you. Everyone loved you as you loved them too, including your best friend, Lucas. I know you’ve seen him a while ago. You and Lucas were inseparable, soul buddies, you know? You guys were about the same age because mom and his mom were best friends as well. They thought it would be nice to pass on the friendship to their kids. Anyway, ever since birth, you guys clicked. You never went somewhere without him, and vice versa. Everyone thought that one day, when you guys grew up, you and him would have a relationship then be married. It sounded so simple, didn’t it?”

Before she could talk some more, I rolled my eyes and interrupted her by asking, “Where are you going with this?” I know I sounded so rude, but I didn’t feel like listening to her tell a story about my childhood when all I can think about is my situation right now. She isn’t even answering any of the questions that’s been bothering me.

She tsked, but still went on with her speech, which made me roll my eyes again.

“September 13, 2001. You and Lucas went to the park. You were supposed to go straight home from school, but you really wanted to play with Lucas that day. Your nanny failed to notice that both of you went through the back entrance of the school and took the long route to the park. Because of this, you went unsupervised. You were playing around, until he found that hidden spot in the trees and asked you to come with him. Then both of you saw this really beautiful tree, the tallest even. You wanted to climb it. Lucas knew you had experiences in climbing, but he still worried about you. He tried to stop you, but you just gave him a peck in his cheeks as you told him you got yourself. So you climbed it. You were almost at the top. Lucas reminded you to be careful. And just when you were gonna tell him you are, well, you fell.”

I didn’t realize I was crying again, until she wiped the tears that were pooling on my cheeks.

“I’m -- I’m dead?” my voice cracked and I cried even more as pieces of memory came back to me. “Wait, the newspaper! It said Monica Greene killed herself. Is it true? Please tell me it’s not, please!”

She avoided my eyes and nodded. “After they found your body, everybody was deeply saddened. In about a year, most of them have recovered – unhappy, still, but recovered. It’s just that mom couldn’t move on. She even wrote about you, to try,” even she was blinking away tears, but she still continued. “She tried to distract herself from the pain. Got some help. The fans of the book she published sent some love, but all she needed was you. On your third death anniversary, she just thought she’d come to you, like a mother would.”

In between sobs, I managed to choke out, “I’m sorry.”

“You just left, Elizabeth. I know you’re sorry, I am too, but all we can do now is to accept everything.
We died, but we didn’t even know, and that’s okay.”

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