Escape from HYDRA

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London, 1944.

I walked down the dark hallway counting each door that I passed until I came to the sixth one. I stood in front of it, held up my fist and knocked softly. There was some movement inside, then the light seeped out from the crack at the bottom of the door. It opened slightly and Bucky stuck his head out. His eyes squinted against the light then adjusted to the dark hallway. He looked down at me and smiled lightly.

"Hi," he whispered. 

"Hey, I'm sorry to wake you. I couldn't sleep and-" I began to explain.

"You needed company," Bucky understood and I nodded. "I haven't been sleeping much either, just give me a moment I'll join you.

He closed the door and his footsteps faded away before coming back, more heavy sounding, he had probably put on shoes. The door opened again and he reached over behind the wall to turn off his bedroom lights before he shut the door and stepped out into the hall with me. He slipped his hand into mine and squeezed my fingers. 

"Thank you," I said as we walked towards the break room.

"It's no problem, like I said, if you need anything come to me." Bucky reached over me to open the door to the break room.

I walked in, flicked on the light and Bucky closed the door behind him. I walked to the table and sat down, resting my head on my hand, trying to get the nightmare out of my head. Bucky had walked over to the counter and brought over the pitcher of water and two glasses. I felt his hand on my back as he stood behind me and he pulled a chair next to mine.

"Same nightmare?" Bucky asked as he sat down.

"Mhm," I nodded and took a glass and began filling it with water.

The image of Wes lying on the ground flashed again and I set the pitcher down. I leaned my head into my hands again and groaned. Bucky scooted towards me and wrapped both his arms around my shoulders. His hand rubbed up and down my back. I leaned into his chest and groaned again, more out of annoyance this time. 

"Do you want me to put on some music?" Bucky asked.

"Yes, please," I mumbled.

Bucky quickly kissed the top of my head and stood up. He walked over to the record player and kneeled down to look at the choice of records in the cabinet.

"Do you like Ella Fitzgerald?" He asked.

"My mom and I like to listen to her," I replied.

"Perfect." Bucky stood up with a record case in his hand.

He took the record out and placed it on the spinner, then lowered the needle. Ella's song 'Always' began to play, quite loudly. Bucky cringed at the sudden volume. 

"Shh, Bucky, you're going to wake everyone up," I whispered.

"Sorry," Bucky turned the volume knob and the music became quiet. He walked back over to the table and took my hand, trying to pull me out of my seat. "Come on."

I slowly stood up and Bucky walked us to the middle of the room, slowly spinning me under his arm before bringing me back to face him. I smiled lightly and laughed. Bucky placed his hand on my waist and pulled me closer to him, then began swaying us left and right and circling us around in time to the music.

"Look at that, you've gotten better." Bucky smiled.

"Was I that bad before?" I teased as he spun me around again.

"No, no. You've improved," Bucky replied.

"Only because I have a good teacher," I said.

"There's this bar in Brooklyn that I go to with Steve, they always play great music." He began. "I'd love to take you sometime."

Frostbite: Blood in the Winter// Third Book of The Frost Bite Series.Where stories live. Discover now