Hello, Goodbye, See You In A Moment

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Characters, they all belong to JK Rowling, else I'd not be writing this. Anything you recognise is hers.


'So I've got the wand movement down, what's the spell Jamie?' Lily asked her brother excitedly.

'Calm down Liluna, you're worse than Aunt Hermione when she comes across a new spell.' James laughed at his sister. 'and the spell is Amor revelio et relishio. I know it's long, but that's what we came up with.'

'Why exactly that Jamie?'

James rolled his eyes. 'Amy came up with it. I just did the research like a good little lion, according to her.'

'And I thought Ravenclaws were smart. You were probably researching pranks.'

'Just try the spell, Lily. And stop dissing my charms partner.'

Lily rolled her eyes. 'You're lucky to get the Ravenclaws as charms partners you know, we got stuck with the Slytherins.' She flicked her wand at the ball she was practicing James' spell on.

James snorted. 'Considering you're going out with Scorp, I don't think you have much of an issue with them.'

'Scorp's decent though. The rest of them are just...' She faded off, unable to think af a strong enough word for the slytherins in her year. 'Al got the decent Slytherins. I got the one's who are total jerks.'

'Considering the hat put Al in Slytherin, I bloody hope he got the decent ones.' James flicked his wand at the lamp next to his door that was his target. He missed and hit his father who was just coming in the room.

'Oops. Sorry dad, missed the target.'

'Why am I glowing?' Harry looked at his eldest child. 'James?'

'It's the spell Amy and I came up with for Flitwick dad. The spelled object or person will glow when there's a love potion nearby or in their system, when you stop glowing, the potion is gone. Someone's fed you a love potion.'

'But the only food I've eaten, you've all eaten.'

James glanced at Lily then flicked his wand at her, she didn't glow.

'Nice to know Liluna and Scorp don't have a love potion thing happening between them.' He commented. 'Maybe we should try mum, I mean, it could be aimed at just you two.'

'Well let's go then, she's in the kitchen.' Harry ushered James down the stairs and towards the kitchen.

'Dad, I think it's best if I hide around the corner, that way she won't hex me if she glows.' James said nervously.

'You know what's frightening about that? That was actually logical.' Albus commented comming out of the living room.

'I can be logical Al, I just chose not to.' James stuck his tongue out at his little brother.

'Get it over with Jamie, before she sees us here.' Harry urged him. James flicked his wand at his mother then ducked behind the doorframe. Seconds later a spell shot out of the door.

'I take it she's glowing then?' He said nervously. Albus looked in breifly then nodded.

'What you hit her with anyway?'

'A practical spell Amy and I came up with in charms. I think I'm going to go hide in my room, maybe fiddle with my timeturner a bit, see what I can make it do, that sort of thing.' And James sprinted up the stairs, leaving his father to explain why his mother was glowing.

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