life hits you in the balls

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Let's just say this story will be filled with cliche love, suicidal jokes, a lot of depression-

Zayn Malik: That triggers me. Are you trying to say I'm depressed?

As I was saying-

Zayn Malik: Hold up! You can't just cut me off- I'm part of this book' I have a voice you know!

Yes, and I'm the one writing the story for you. So, back to what I was saying. This story is one hell of a ride, so if it's not your cup of tea you might just exit gone forever. We won't miss you.

Zayn Malik: I'll miss them

You don't know them Zayn- You know what? I don't even know why I'm talking to you, just go to your shit ass job at dominos.

Our story starts one foggy afternoon in Zayn's part time job, dominos. Cue the dramatic scene, and hungry customers trying to get more ranch for free.


"That will be 10.09" Zayn Malik muttered trying to keep a big smile on his face, not to seem full of himself but he's heard they tip when cute young men treat them with respect. Even if his eye twitches or his cheeks hurt from how much he's stretching his face, it's worth every penny if she decides to-

"Here you go hun" She says putting out her wrinkly raisin hand to hand him the money. It was mostly in coins but it's alright, if he just acts cool, calm, and collected it won't be an issue. He starts to count, "You're missing a dollar" Zayn states doing the math in his head. Well, there goes next months rent bill being paid.  "Keep the change" She smiles obviously not even listening to the 23 year old employee. He would try and stop her from grabbing the pizza that's already in-front of her but it's just a dollar- it's fine. She's old. Also doesn't that go with senior discount? She shouldn't even be eating pizza, choking hazard with that hard ass crust.

He watches as she walks out the door. It scares him thinking that one day he might be like that, old, and slow. Do you know how weird he will be looking with how many tattoos he has? He has over 30, and counting. His parents never approved on him getting be honest they never approved of anything he did. He was always the quiet, weed smoking, rebel child that never amounted to anything in life and that's why he doesn't even get invited to family gatherings anymore. If anyone asks his parents, he's on vacation to 'become a better person' which is a total lie. It's not that he is poor and living in the streets, he's just a failure walking among the same route and never trying to amount to anything in life.

Zayn Malik is stuck and has no motivation.

The only friends he has is that weird guy from next door who has 3 cats and some other college friends he made when he was actually in college. It's hard to keep a social life when he's always working or sleeping since he's tired out of his wits.

"Zayn, Zayn, Zayn-" A voice taunts from behind putting a hand on his shoulder, ugh, it's his manager. He's the most annoying person to have ever breathed on this earth, take his word for it. "That 1 dollar is coming out of your paycheck" Kip says, Zayn doesn't feel good, he feels like he is going to lose it right there and then- but he turns around and smiles big. "It's fine, I don't mind, you can take a dollar away from my 7 dollars an hour minimum wage job. Sounds spectacular Kip" Zayn breathes, he's trying to do that stupid breathing exercise he saw on a YouTube channel once to calm down. He's not sure it's working.

Kip chuckles patting him on the back as he moves away, "That's what I knew you'd say Zee, my favorite employee." That was a load off bull crap. He plays kindness is the sickest way, and if he so happens to actually be Kip's favorite it's because Zayn is so easy to overpower. He's so weak- he doesn't defend himself, he doesn't try to work things out- he's just given up on the world, he's given up on himself.

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