A Man's World

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You defended me to your friends
Later that night
You came over drunk after the party
You wanted something in return
You thought you deserved my body
As payment
For being a decent human being
You thought I owed you something
I said no
I said I wanted you to leave
You didnt
You made me feel like a stranger
In my own bed

You say that I wont make it
Not in a man's field
That I'm not strong enough
Not smart enough
To be an engineer
So I push myself to the limit
I push myself to do better than the boys
I do more than anyone
So I can prove to you
That I can do more than any man
That I am worthy of a man's position
So I can earn your respect

I fight to prove myself in a man's world
I fight for my position in a man's world

I fight to accept myself
I fight to understand that I am worthy

I'm learning
That I shouldn't have to fight
I deserve the space I occupy
I shouldn't have to prove myself
Because they don't deserve me
They should fight for our respect
As much as we fight for theirs
Because women can do anything a man can do
If not better

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2019 ⏰

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