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Cyberstalking 💻

↪The term cyberstalking is generally used to refer to the use of the Internet, email or other telecommunication technologies to harass or stalk another person.

Cyberstalking includes monitoring, false accusations, cyber bullying, harassment, threats, ordering goods or services on behalf of the victim or damaging data or equipment.

Their techniques:
• Sending unsolicited emails that include harassing, obscene or threatening comments.
• Creating false postings or spreading rumors about the victim.
• Creating a web page on the victim with personal or fictitious information.
• Assuming the victim's persona on-line (chat rooms, newsgroups, etc.) for the purpose of discrediting the victim, damaging the victim's reputation or soliciting unwanted contact for others.
• Using a relatively new method of online stalking called "Catfishing." It's where the user poses as someone else, using social media sites. They tend to use fake names, photos, and locations. They will often approach the victim as a love interest or a mutual friend. Oftentimes, they will copy the profiles of an existing user as a way to verify their identity of a real person.

• Avoid clicking on redirect links from users you do not know or trust. Redirect links are frequently from spammers who will redirect you to a virus.
• Avoid posting personal information on social networking sites such as your social security number or credit card, etc.
• Be extremely cautious about meeting on-line acquaintances in person. If you are going to meet an on-line acquaintance in person, do so in a public place and never do so alone - take a trusted friend with you.
• Once you've been a victim, block all emails from them.
• If the cyberstalking continues, contact the stalker's Internet Service Provider (ISP), which is the name following the "@" in their email address. Most ISPs have specific policies prohibiting the abuse of their services.
• If it continues or you feel unsafe, notify the police.

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