One Direction Awards Nominees- September 2012

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Hello guys, this will be the book where you, yes YOU, vote for the winners!

Voting is as easy as can be!

Just go to any category, and leave a comment with the following information:

Title of the Book

Author of the Book

It's that simple! You leave a comment with that, and BOOM! You just voted :)

You may only vote for ONE book per category. Nothing's stopping you from voting in more than one category :)

Before you all ask the famous question, I'll answer it ;) YES, you can vote for yourself.

Voting will be open for exactly one week, and then I will close it, not counting anymore votes. I will then add them up, seeing who the top three people are per category. Then, I will post ANOTHER book with the finalists, and my group and I will pick 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners. The winners will be posted in another book (so many books...).

As for prizes, they really aren't the most exciting things in the world... But there are prizes :) This is mainly just to get more readers on your book, not really "prize" centered. So, I'm sorry for the pretty bad prizes, I just felt like the winners should get SOMETHING...

For those who don't know me, I'm @jess9797, and for those who haven't read my books, you might not be thrilled with the prizes... You don't really have to accept the prizes, they're just my way of giving something to the winners :) Even if that something is about as exciting as watching paint dry... I think I'm ranting now... Anyway! On to the prizes :)

3rd- A fan from my personal account, plus votes on every chapter of your book.

2nd- 3rd place prize PLUS a dedication in every one of my books (EXCLUDING If You Only Knew)

1st- 2nd and 3rd place prizes PLUS you get to be a character in the book of your choosing :) (EXCLUDING If You Only Knew and Trick or Treat? One Direction is Both and its sequel)

Honestly, I think 3rd place is a terrible prize, but... It's something! :) If I didn't really make it clear before, each category will have 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners, it's not overall :) Just making that clear in case some people got confused!

Good luck to everyone entered! I feel like this is the longest rules page ever... :)

One Direction Awards Nominees- September 2012Where stories live. Discover now