Alice + Harry

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This is for my best friend! And yes alice its with harry becuase i had already writen it! :P its Nialls birthday soon as well as mine! i cant wait

Kira xx


Alice + Harry J

*Alice’s P.O.V*

Harry has been gone for over 2 months now and I have missed him terribly. We have been dating for about 4 months but haven’t gone public yet. We had texted, called, tweeted and Skype called each other but nothing can compare to bring with him in person. In person is where I can ran my fingers through his curls, kiss each other, feel each other’s touch, and get lost in each other’s eyes.

 I sat there on one of the airports uncomfortable chairs waiting for One Directions plane to land, for Harry to walk though those doors when I can run into his arms that I have craved every day since I was last in them and to hear his voice that made my heart pick up speed whenever I heard it.

I looked over to the arrival chart thingy that tells you if the plane had been delayed or when it has landed. This time I saw LANDED flashing under the fight number. With that one word I had a smile from one side of my face to the other. I get to see my Hazza in less than 5 minutes.

My eyes kept on flashing out the window where the plane should be once arrived every 2 seconds and after about 140 flicks to the glass (A/N 4 minutes, I’m good, I know LOL! Well at least my phone is :P) the plane was finally in view.

Then my phone went off saying I had a text.

Just landed! C u at you flat soon! Luv u

     <3 Haz

Awwww! He’s so cute. At that moment the gates (doors) opened and Liam was the first one in sight. He walked over to one of the seats, Niall, Louis and Zayn followed. But Harry was still in the passage way between the plane and me.

 But I had to look back at him as I was about to make my way over to him. He had his arm around another girl that was around my age, brown wavy hair, long legs and blue eyes. She was laughing at him but I don’t know why. That was meant to be my spot, there in his arms. Not her!

The next thing that happened made tears start to build in my eyes. He slowly leaned in and kissed her smack bang on the lips and you could tell there was tongue.

“ALICE!” I heard Liam yell my name but I already had my handbag over my shoulder and walking away from them, towards the exit of the airport.

Then my phone went off and I pulled it out to see what it was about, even tho I wasn’t in the mood.

Please text me when u know where u r going and we will talk L I’m sorry love. I really am. Call me if u need me. If it makes u feel better Harry’s not gonna be wanting to do that to u after I’m done with him.

   Luff u talk 2 u soon! Liam

I just put my phone back in my bag and started running towards my car. I don’t even know where I’m going to go. Not my flat or the lads place for 2 places to rule out.

When I got in my car I broke down in tears. Why would he do that to me? He said he loved me and I loved him back,

Then my phone started to erupt with tests, calls and tweets. I didn’t move from where I was all I did was sit there and cried, wishing one of my girlfriends were here with me.

Suddenly I heard my car door open and felt someone get in. I looked up to see Harry sitting there looking at me with guilt written all over his face.

“Alice, I’m so sor-“ He started.

I got out of the car with my bag to get away from him. But unsuccessfully I heard the car door open and his running footsteps behind me. He grabbed one of my hands and pulled me back around so I was facing him. Then he pulled me closer so I was only inches away from him and I tried to wiggle out of his grasp but it didn’t work.

“So it’s true. I thought it was just a rumour but obviously not!” I yelled at him and he let his grip on me loosen so I took my chance to get away.

When One Direction was over in Australia there were ‘rumours’ (well not anymore) that me had a new super model girlfriend. But I just dismissed it, not thinking Harry would ever do that to me.

“Alice, please listen to me.” He begged me beside me.

“Fine! You have a minute!” I said turning around to him.

“It wasn’t what it looked like.”

“You have got to be kidding me! You had your tongue down her throat!” I yelled resisting the argue to slap him.

*One year later*

I feel so bad how I left Harry last year today. Every day I regret it. I see him every day in magazines and my heart aches for his love.

“Here’s your coffee madam.” One of the coffee ladies came and placed my coffee in front of me. I thanked her and she left to do other work.

I looked down to my book I was reading then I heard the door bell go off when someone walked in, and I had to look up didn’t!?

“Harry!?” I said getting up and running over to him and gave him a giant hug.

For the first time in 14 mouths I was back in his arms. Then what I wasn’t expected happened, his lips crashed onto mine. I just went with it.

“I love you.” Harry said once he pulled away.

“I love you too.”

From then on we were a couple and then he became my husband, we had 3 children. Two girls that are twins and a little boy.

Our life was complete. Together we lived as one.

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