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"Who would have thought that winter can sometimes be lovely warm?"


Then here I am, standing in front of this wooden pink door with glass stained on the sides, not bothering those snowflakes landing on my black hood, on my cold hands and on my pointed nose. Seems like frozen for years as my trembling lips finally spilled a word, "noona?"

i waited.

"Hello? Anybody there?" I knocked patiently while my other hand gripped tighter to the jar across my stomach.

"Dara noona?"


Okay. What do I expect? Maybe there's no one in there. And this SUCKS. I should have just eat all of these. Turning my back was all i did while replaying the bloody memory of winning a black belt for fighting against my brother Kris just to save these was just... Useless. I'm so over this, i'll go home now-

The click of the knob was the next thing I heard, making me stop on my tracks and had my body shaking, not because of the winter cold but because of the fact that- OH MY GOD. She's just wrapped with that hot pink bathrobe with that fuchsia towel around her head. And... She's glowing. I'm speechless.

"Uh- Chanie..." And the goddess at last came to life. I was momentarily taken away,my heart skipped a beat for the second her eyes contacted mine, as if she's casting a spell on me. Together with those angels chanting my name, again and again, mimicking her voice. It was just so not fair! How come that by just calling my name felt so damn good that i wanted to cry rivers of rainbow?

"What is it?" The goddess breathed as I was pulled back to earth as I heard the question but i lost my voice. I gulped the bulge on my throat and begun stuttering. "Ah... My... M-mom would... L-like... I like... Ahh..." Fuck me. I would like to run now and hide under the ocean.

My legs moved on its own accord as I immediately hamded her the heavy jar which she almost dropped on the floor, "h-here. She had a quizzical look upon her face, stared at it before she once again killed me and gazed onto my eyes for eternity. "Cookies?" She grinned.

"Uh- yeah... B-bye." I couldn't help it but finished the conversationas mch as I could even if I really wanted to stay and just silently admire her beauty. But or course, there's nothing coming out of my mouth which will just make me look stupid.

"Chanie, wait." She held a pinch of my jacket before I could even turn my back for the second time. God, I wanna die. "Can you do me a favor?"

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