Extended Summary

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     THE WORLD HAD SHATTERED. After the events that had stilled time for so many innocent lives, the war that had kicked the world to its knees and demanded to feel the pain that bled for long years, the world was not the same. Life and death had been restored, the mighty Avengers taking charge of what was lost by a tyrant from another distant planet and in theory, saving the day once again. But even when loved ones finally came home, when mothers were reunited with sons and friendships were rekindled, thing were not the same. Nothing could be the same again. 

     War was violent and this war, Infinity War had been cruel and unjust. The world had crumpled, the remaining souls not quite sure how to rebuild when so much had been lost. Half the world was still blacked out in darkness, but one group of heroes had returned the sun. But not everyone had made it through the war. Not everyone survived to see another sunrise.

     Infinity War was over, the world finally able to start over, but not everything that had been broken could be fixed and that was a lesson Florence Parsons was still coming to terms with. She had lost five years of her life with Peter Parker, both of them erased from existence, and when they finally came back to the world of the living, they realised they had been left in the past and so many of their loved ones and friends, were not the same. 

     While Florence returned to Midtown School of Science and Technology, homework and gossip and class trips to Europe filling up her days, it all seemed bleak and pointless. It all seemed trivial in a sense, because she should have finished this cycle of high school years ago. Her best friends were fresh out of college now, her mother had given birth to a baby girl in her absence and her web-slinging boyfriend was trying his very best to overcome his grief by flinging himself into danger to honour his fallen farther figure. But Florence, guilt eating her insides from the visions she could not stop, was stuck in the past.

     It seemed time did not always heal all wounds and this was a fight Florence Parsons was not sure she could save herself from. Not when the world she currently stood in, was so different now and it seemed like the only thing worth holding on for, was a boy too convinced that being a hero was the only way to make a legacy. 




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Hiya hooligans, bet you didn't see this coming today. I was kind of procrastinating some other personal planning and writing today and tinkered around this story some more and well, here we are. Obviously, a few elements have been given away in the summary already and this entire story is set after the events of Infinity War and Endgame (for those that are interested, a story containing those movie plots will be written eventually), however detailed storylines will not be featured in the third instalment of this side series, so please don't ask if those two movies will be written into this, because the answer is no. I do have loads of ideas to extended the FFH plot, which is no surprise really if you've made it this far into Florence's story. I would like to thank y'all  for checking out the third book and I did for a long time say there was no third book, but ha! I'm reckless and my love for Florence is still very intact and I feel like her story is not quite over just yet, so stay tuned and I hope ya'll enjoy the ride. 

 [ This story is a part of the Age of Heroes series. A series set within the world of marvel where all my books connect together in ways. It's not necessary to read every book in the series but just know each story is linked in one way or another ]

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