#1 Trent Alexander-Arnold - Baby

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Katie knocked desperately on the front door; normally she'd let herself inside, but she knew Trent wasn't home from training yet and she didn't want to seem rude

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Katie knocked desperately on the front door; normally she'd let herself inside, but she knew Trent wasn't home from training yet and she didn't want to seem rude. When the door opened and Mandy stood before her, Katie broke down in tears, dropping her bags to the floor. Mandy threw her arms around her son's girlfriend, holding her as she sobbed into her shoulder. She didn't have to ask what had happened; she could tell by the fact Katie had most of her belongings packed into her suitcases that her mum had kicked her out. Mandy had always been so understanding of Katie's living situation, and was always welcoming of her coming to stay with them for as long as she needed.

"Come in, sweetheart." She said, picking up Katie's bags from the floor and carrying them into the hallway. "Go and make yourself at home upstairs. I'll make us a cuppa and we can have a chat." Katie nodded at her; it was no wonder Trent was the kind hearted boy he was, being raised by someone as loving as Mandy. She carried her bags up to Trent's bedroom and sat down on his bed.

She worried that Mandy was going to be just as angry when she told her why her mother had kicked her out, and debated waiting until Trent was home, but it was only minutes before Mandy was appearing in the door way holding two cups of teas in her hands.

"What happened?" She asked as she placed the cups down on the bedside table and sat down on the bed. Katie looked up at her, her eyes still red and puffy; she'd been crying for a good few hours, and she didn't intend on stopping any time soon. "You know you can tell me anything, darling."

"Please don't be angry at Trent." Katie begged.

"I won't be angry." Mandy smiled. She had an inkling of what she was about to be told, but didn't want to jump to any conclusions. She took Katie's hand in her own, feeling Katie's hands shake as she tried to speak.

"We're having a baby." She said, not making eye contact with Mandy as they sat close to one another. Mandy said nothing but threw her arms around her. Katie breathed a sigh of relief when she realised she wasn't about to be shouted at. "You're not mad?" She asked.

"Of course I'm not." Mandy shook her head, wiping the tears away that were threatening to spill from her eyes. "I swear, your mother needs a good talking to." Katie chuckled lightly. "How did Trent take it when you told him? I can't believe he's kept this from me! You wait until he's h-"

"He doesn't know." Katie shook her head.


"I was too scared." Katie admitted.

"Of what?" Mandy asked.

"That he'd leave me."

"You know he'd never leave you. Anyone can see he's so in love with you and he'd be mad to lose you." She said. "And now you're going to have your own little baby and this family will be complete. A baby is the biggest blessing you could ask for."

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