Chapter 3- I'm not gonna stand by

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Everything was dark but suddenly it got crazy bright that Tenshi covered her eyes. "Lady Uzumaki has woken!" A voice says. "Lady, Uzumaki? Weird" She mumbled sitting up. Medical ninja surrounded her. "How are you feeling?" They asked. "Fine, what happened?" Tenshi says while rubbing the back of her head. "The man named Deidara a rouge from the hidden stone, He can create explosions from detonating clay. We found you on your phoenix as you were unconscious. "What about Kankuro?" Tenshi asked. "He's in the next room over, we found poison that was possible injected in him by the enemy." The medical nin explains. Tenshi gets off the bed and goes to Kankuro's room. She finds him in pain. "We tried the O.R but we couldn't find a cure." The medic explained. Tenshi froze standing in place. "Temari's not here yet. Kankuro is poisoned. And Garrra...he's." She whispered until Baki entered. Kankuro was talking into his ear as Baki suddenly left in a hurry. Tenshi put on her demon mask, hiding her tears. "Lady Tenshi where are you-" The medic says but gets cut off. "I'm going to bring Garra back from the Akatsuki, and get revenge for my siblings."  She says. "That man, Deidara. As I was leaving the orphanage it exploded. I checked the ground but not the sky. It was him. Deidara, KILLED MY SIBLINGS. AND TOOK MY FRIEND. You think i'm just gonna sit by and hope he'll die so my siblings will finally be at peace, while my friend is stolen another dying in front of me." She yells. "No, i'm not gonna stand by. I'll be tracking them and if I ever get into battle. If Garra doesn't return, If my siblings aren't at peace,..Leave me to die. There's no point in living." Tenshi says before using her speed to leave. While doing so she see's the two siblings Lady Chiyo and Lord Ebizo. "So they've come to help." She mumbles as she makes it outside summoning Tazu.

"Look, Up there!" Sakura says pointing upwards. "Thats Tazu, Tenshi's summoning. Temari says as she uses her fan causing wind to lightly hit Tenshi. Doing so Tenshi fly's down to them. "Temari, Naruto, Sakura, and Kakashi? Have you come to help?" Tenshi asks still hiding her face with her demon mask. "What happened?" Kakashi asks. " The Akatski attacked the sand village as you already know. They were after the Shukaku. T-they took Garra, and Kankuro is poisoned. You should hurry to the village." Tenshi says. "What about you?" Temari asks. "I'm gonna track them and try to bring Garra back." She says getting ready to take off. "Let me go with you!" Naruto yells. "No!" Kakashi says grabbing his shoulder while Tazu creates a great take off pushing the four back. "Tazu! I need you to go faster then this!" Tenshi yells. He nods as they blast off.  She searches around for chakra. As she notices sand. "Garra" She says as they follow the trail of sand. "Mother, Sisters, Brothers, don't worry." She says going through the sky. 

This one was real short I usually write 850-1300 words but I only got to about 550 words oh well. I'm also not slacking i'm just busy. MMK!- Garra's Cure

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