xii. 𝙛𝙞𝙭 𝙝𝙚𝙧 𝙛𝙖𝙫𝙤𝙧𝙞𝙩𝙚 𝙩𝙤𝙮.

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┍━━━━━━━━━━┑chapter twelve

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chapter twelve.
fix her favorite toy.

The ride through the woods is so silent that it hurts. June knows Jasper doesn't want to talk to her or Clarke, especially. She still took a few peeks over her shoulder to check Raven, nearly butting heads with Clarke each time she looked, because Clarke was leaning in between the two seats. June wasn't as angry with her as Jasper, but there was still a large part of her that was mildly upset. Clarke left at the time she needed her the most and then chose to stay at Polis instead of with her people, and June still doesn't know why all because they haven't had a chance to talk with the absence of her.

Much to June's disappointment, Clarke tried to break the silence. "One of you, please, talk to me," she pleaded. The last time someone had spoken, it was Jasper, who actually really screamed wildly into the radio at Miller and Sinclair where they were hiding in a cave, anxiously waiting for the return of their other friends.

"I saved both of you," Jasper muttered without looking away from his path. "It's more than you deserve." June felt her eyes water, and she furiously blinked it away. She should be used to all the comments by now, but it still sent another jab at her heart. June knows Jasper isn't wrong anyway. It isn't like she doesn't deserve it.

"My mother let them shoot at me," Clarke desperately attempted to understand.

"I can see the appeal," Jasper retorted harshly. "Stop talking and look for the cave, Sinclair said it'd be around here somewhere, otherwise just ask June and leave me alone."

Clarke goes silent at the words thrown at her, but June can feel her eyes staring directly at the back of her head. "Okay, Clarke," she began, turning around and immediately wincing when her wrist connected to Jasper stung. "We're going long story short. Jaha came back, handing out chips that control people, take their memories and pain because of some computer chick named ALIE. She was in Raven's head. Still is, and we're going to help her."

Although Clarke looks confused, she nods, sure that's all she's going to be told. Then her eyes dart to where June and Jasper had their arms outstretched, handcuffs around their left and right wrists. "And that?" Clarke questioned with a motion of her chin.

"Our unfortunate event, thanks to Jaha," June finally finished. "But back to you... What's happening in Polis? I thought Kane said Lexa was going to keep you safe after the peace treaty."

Just like that, June watched Clarke's face morph into agonizing grief, all because of the one question about Lexa. She knows immediately what happened, and her mouth tasted sour, pity and regret filling her system. She wasn't sure if, at the time she had known Lexa, there was something between them, but just the sorrow Clarke is showing answered it enough. As soon as June parted her lips to apologize, Clarke pulled herself together and shook her head. "Don't," she whispered. "It's fine." June knows it wasn't, but she let it stop there.

𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐮𝐭︱raven reyes, book 2Where stories live. Discover now