Chapter 30: The big fight of the Gu family's father and son

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Translat3 : Estreline | Edit: Blue Blossoms

When Gu Hai arrived home, it was already past 10 pm. The lights in his house were on, and he didn't know who had opened the door. Gu Hai went inside his house and saw an unexpected figure sitting on the couch.

Gu Wei Ting's face was frosty, his entire body giving off an aura of formidable anger. His eyes followed Gu Hai's movements quietly, his lips pursed firmly as if he was waiting for Gu Hai to open his mouth first.

Gu Hai didn't even spare a look at Gu Wei Ting, he calmly put down his school bag, took off his shoes, then he went to his bedroom to change his clothes, only to discover that his wardrobe was empty.

"Where are my clothes?"

Gu Wei Ting's heart suddenly sank, he hadn't seen Gu Hai for almost a month, if not for the phone call from the school principal today, he would've still been at the army camp right now. He had come not only in anger but with yearning as well; he had taken care of all the problems that Gu Hai had caused, he wanted to hear only one word from Gu Hai's mouth, "Pa", yet the first words which came from Gu Hai's mouth were about his clothes.

When Gu Hai didn't receive any answer, his eyes shifted away from Gu Wei Ting's face, and soon they fell on the suitcase lying on the floor.

Gu Wei Ting didn't beat around the bush.

"I have packed your things already, come home with me right away. I won't say a word about your fight at the school. Tomorrow, I will send someone to take care of your school transfer procedure, to go back to your old school. Jiang Yuan will bring her son too. Both of you will study at the same school, so you have to try to accept him as your brother."

Gu Hai slowly turned his head and gazed out at the night sky through the window.

"Don't ever expect that I will go back with you, not a chance!"

After he said that, Gu Hai moved to drag his suitcase back to his own room, but Gu Wei Ting's foot halted him so, he wasn't able to move at all.

"You have to come back today. Whether you want to or not, you are coming back. That is an order."

Gu Hai looked at his father fiercely, "You are not my Commander, you have no right to order me! Even if you want to kill me now, I still won't live together with that family! Brother? What brother? I will only say this once, wherever that family stays, I'll never set my foot at that place!"

Gu Wei Ting abruptly stood up, grabbed Gu Hai's neck, and dragged him to the window. Gu Hai's flat was on the 8th floor. Were Gu Wei Ting to push a little more, Gu Hai would certainly fall down.

"You prefer to be dead rather than to go home, right? Today I'll kill you, if you have the guts don't scream, I will act as if I never had a son like you!"

Gu Hai clenched his jaw, his body ramrod straight, his dark eyes boring into the night sky outside, becoming one with it.

Both refused to budge, Gu Wei Ting exerted more force with his hand, and Gu Hai's body was pushed out. When Gu Wei Ting saw Gu Hai wasn't struggling at all he suddenly backed down, pulling Gu Hai back inside. Gu Hai was indifferent, instead, it was Gu Wei Ting who was sweating all over, shaken by the situation.

"Are you satisfied now?" Gu Hai looked at Gu Wei Ting. "Please go back. I'm going to take a shower and sleep. I still have school tomorrow."

"If I weren't providing for everything, do you really think you'd be able to live this well? That you can rent a house more than a hundred square like this? I'll tell you this, I am cut off all your allowances from this day onwards! In less than a month, you'll be begging me to take you back!"

"Now that you've achieved your purpose, why are you still wasting your time here? You can cut off my allowance, in fact, do it right now. Just go back and wait! See whether I'll be coming back to beg you!"

"You think I wouldn't dare to do it?"

"Wouldn't dream of it. There isn't a thing you wouldn't dare to do."

Gu Wei Ting clenched his fists and frowned, giving off a ruthless and tyrannical aura. Had he been still young and faced with such an unfilial son, he would've shot him dead already. But now that he was old, and having lost a wife, he had just begun to understand the meaning of a family, fallen apart as it were now.

"I don't have a son like you."

After saying that, Gu Wei Ting left with a somber face.

Gu Hai sat on the couch, dumbfounded for a moment, then breathed out softly, he realized that he wasn't feeling that uncomfortable. Whenever he had a big fight with Gu Wei Ting in the past, though he put on an amused face, he would grieve and pounder over the fight internally for a long time. But today, he felt as happy as he looked. Gu Hai's heart eventually felt a faint sense of joy.

No allowance?

So he was to become dirt poor in the near future?

This meant the barrier between him and Bai Luo Yin which now existed would no longer be!

Is there anything more exciting than this?

Gu Hai looked like a man possessed, he unpacked all his things back in his room, then called his landlord that very ungodly hour, informing him that he's checking out. He intended to rent a single-story house near Bai Luo Yin's house. Shabbier, the better.

He also decided to sell all the valuables he had, especially his limited edition mobile phone, he wanted to exchange it for a secondhand, old phone; also, the branded shoes on his feet, he decided to replace them with the pirated-edition ones sold in the street stalls. He also took off his branded watch from his wrist, if it's really no good then he could just use a ballpoint pen to draw one. [1]


Translator Note:

[1] 'He could just use a ballpoint pen to draw one': means that he can use a pen to draw a 'watch' on his wrist.

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