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Omg how did band go?

There were soooo many people like soooooososo many ugh that was the worst

Also it was hot.

I think my insides definitely started boiling at some point

And we had to exercise my eevveryything is soorre :(

And to top it all off I'm the only girl in my whole section

Oof :/ I'm sorry. People, suck especially guys ew



There was a guy

Waaiit you dont mean..

You have a crush!! FInally! OMFG I'M HYPE

This is the best omg ur sucha late bloomer

Ah! Nooo nonono I don't have a crush he's just kinda...cute and interesting

Pft suure okay

gimme details!

Mmm I'm really tired actually ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

WHAT?? No you can't not give me details I DEMAND DETAILS

Hehe okay fine sooo

A laugh bubbles up and spills from my lips as I gush about Jesse to Ella. About how my awkwardness somehow intensifies when he's around and I lose my ability to function and about how he helped me pick up my sheet music when no one else did. She just laughs and encourages me to talk to him, which I just laugh at. Talk, right, that's hilarious.

Uuugh girl you have the confidence to freaking dye your hair purple but you

don't have the confidence to befriend a guy that you're gonna have to see

every day??

Um pastel purple

And yes, that's correct, 100% not gonna happen, can't do it

Uuugghh okay fine fine whatever girl, just keep me updated kay? I gotta go

Awh okay byeee

Bye! <3


The next few weeks of marching band are a bit more bearable and also incredibly emotionally draining. And all because of Jesse. The feelings I have when I'm near him are overwhelming, my nerves start going haywire and my brain shuts down and I become a weird jittery trombone playing vegetable so, not a great time.

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