Chapter 2

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(Nicki p.o.v)

Drake: hey babe how was you day

Nicki- long has to go in the studio and record with they auntie bey then had to go put some finishing touches on that no love video with august honestly I'm exhausted

Drake: babe you work to hard lemme take you and the kids out before school tommorow

Nicki-ok I will tell the kids and go get dressed thanks babe I needed that

Drake: no problem for my queen

Nicki - *walks up stairs* to diamonds room she playing beez in the trap I swear she a Mommy's girl or a kiss up one of the other

Diamond- oh hey mommy I didn't see you there wazzup

*turns music down a lil*

Nicki- your father wants to take us out to eat so get dressed

Diamond- do I have too I wanted to go to the movies with keke and déjà you already making me go to school tomorrow

Nicki- girl quit all that pouting you 13 not 3 and I guess you can go to the movies but be back by 9 ok don't make me regret this

Diamond- I won't thank you thank you thank you

Nicki - and NO boys I will find out and I'm calling auntie chyna to see if déjà gone be ready so get dressed

Diamond - ok and thank you

Nicki - you welcome my lil ladybug

*walks out closes door* *goes to kings room*

(Diamond p.o.v)

Diamond - *calls déjà and keke on three way *

Keke- heyyyyyyy baeeee

Déjà - wazzup with my babies

Diamond- nun much but we going to the movies so get ready and invite the baes

Déjà - now you know if ours moms find out me and you are dead right like that's it like we just gone be sitting there in heaven like should have followed the rules (she's short light skinned voice of reason) (boyfriend - Kamren basketball captian)

Diamond- stop being dramatic girl you gone complain and do it any way

Keke-we'll I will be there anyway my parents not here no way they went to New York

Diamond- great so déjà you coming cuz I already told mama and she called yo mama so be ready in 30

Deja- fine but if we get in trouble it's on you

Diamond- just get dressed bye

( nickis p.o.v )

Nicki- *walks in king room *

King - *otp* so yea baby ......nah ain't got no girlfriend ....yea I like u....Brittany ....nah we don't talk will you be my baby baby baby

Nicki- *walks in and pops him up side his head * U didn't tell me you had a girlfriend boy

King - ohhh hey ma and umm...we'll how could I not I look just like my beautiful mother

Nicki- *this boy is just like his father knows just what to say* fine you got off the hook this time but you want to go to dinner with your father and I

King - nah ima go to the mall with my boys

Nicki - ok be back bye 9 love you baby boy

King - love you too ma

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