chapter 7 : It's Micheal Not Mikey

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It's funny how some people get everything, lets take Mr. Natasuki for example. His full name is Yung Lee Natasuki, and he is the youngest of 4 children. His family originates from the America's, but his great grandfather moved to and married an Asian woman, changing his name to Natasuki. He moved from Tokyo to a small village on the northern side of the Hokkaido region, called Biei.

He made a business selling Chinese silverware and artifacts to tourists who'd come to the town for their colorful fields and flowers in July and August. The rest of the year he would have multiple shops open in Tokyo. Mr. Natasuki had the funds to do this because of his deceased father who left each of his children a large amount of money and his oldest son, a seat as head of his company, Mr. Natasuki was furious and quit the company when his father died, starting his own business.

This of course was just a front for the massive drug ring he had opened in multiple cities in Japan, becoming the countries main supplier of coke, meth, and ecstasy. He quickly grew until he had no more room to grow in Japan, and decided to make business in America. That's where he found a misfit boy sleeping on the front porch of an orphanage.


And that's where my entire life went to shit.

As you can see. Mr Natasuki was set up to succeed while I was set up to fail. Of course I didn't know that back then, I only know that this man wanted to "help" me. He wanted to keep me fed, and under a roof. Little did I know he wanted a lot more then that.

It started out with little things. He would ask me to go get him groceries, or to change the laundry. But it slowly grew as I became older. On my tenth birthday, he signed me up for boxing, Taekwondo, Karate, anything he could think of to make me a better fighter. On my 13th birthday, he got me to become friends with a local thief who taught me to pic locks and walk like a mouse.

By the time I had turned 15 I was one of the best kidnappers out there. He would have me rob, jump, and steal people. Anywhere. Anytime. I would be there. I never said no.

When I turned 16, I was given access to the bank account filled with funds from my kills and thefts. Hut I noticed a lot of action and requested the bank statements for the past year. That's when I found out Mr. Natasuki was using my bank as a front for money laundering. So I left.

I may have grown up with Mr. Natasuki as the closest thing to a father figure I could find, but I still remember my parents.

My mother was gorgeous, her long blonde air reached down to her lower back, glistening gold in the sun. Her eyes were an icy blue, it's where I got mine from. She was tiny, her laugh always made my dad smile, as if it was the most important thing in the world. He was tall, and well built. His hair hung in strands accross his face, always at least one overing his field of vision, make him almost dark and brooding. He would always crack these wise ass jokes to make he laugh, to see her smile.

"Mom?" I looked over to her, the blood flowed out of the cut on her head like a stream. "Mom!" I tried to go to her, but couldn't move. I looked down and saw a pipe lying across my chest. I heard my dad shift. "Dad? Are you okay?" He looked back at me, an then to my mom whose eyes fluttered slightly. "Don't you worry Mikey, I'll get you out." He said and smiled at me. His seatbelt flew off an leaned back to move the pole. "Get out Mikey, run!" He said. I scurried out and away from the car. A crash sounded as a large truck came barrelling into the small vehicle.

My eyes shot open as I heard the plane hit the ground. I looked to my left and saw Kiley. Her face was covered in sweat and her eyes were shot.

"You okay?" I asked. Her eyes darted to me and back to Mr. Natasuki.

See chuckled, "Of course dumbass," she looked about ready to pass out. "Why the hell wouldn't I be?" She looked down at her hands that were still tied together. There was a red line surrounding her wrists from where's he had obviously been trying to get the tie off.

"It's no use, even if you got it off, you would probably just get shot. I mean sure they would get upset over it because they can't hunt you then but, what the fuck, at least you'd be dead, actually I take it back keep going." I shrugged at her.

I closed my eyes. I knew there was no point staying awake. We had probably just stopped to refuel, there was no way we were there yet. I felt myself start to drift.

"Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you!" I looked up at my mom holding a cake, I was finally 8. "Happy birthday dear Mikey!!!! Happy birthday to you!!!!" Her smile brightened as I blew out the candles. "What did you wish for Mikey? Don't worry I won't tell." She winked at me. "Nothing." I smiled at her.

The cake was amazing, mom had made it, like she always did, a chocolate cake with pudding inside. Dad was late that day, but it didn't bother me much. We save him a piece of cake and when he got home we cuddle up in the couch and watched a horror film, mom and I eating popcorn and dad eating his cake.

Suddenly the mood shifted and I heard a low rumble from outside. "Dad?" He looked at me and smiled. "Don't you worry Mikey." He got up and ushered me out of the living room. I looked back at my mom ho was slouched accross the couch, blood pooling from her head. "I'll get you out." He said and smiled at me. He brought me to the front door and opened it. "Get out Mikey! Run!" I ran out of the house and watched dad close the door behind him. I watched him go to my mom and lift her up onto his back. He made his way towards the front door, but was crushed as the familiar sound of metal in metal filled my ears.

Suddenly I was back on the road watching my mom and dad get pushed in a car toward the cliff. I sat there frozen in place. I saw my dad laying onconscious against my mother, both bleeding as though it was the only thing left to do in the world. "No!" I screamed as I watched the familiar faces fade. The truck followed suit not long after and they both fell down, tumbling.

I closed my eyes, tears steaming down my face. When they opened again I was sitting face to face with Mrs. Brushard. She was talking at length about my newfound responsibilities, and told me on the consequences. I mailed and nodded, the tears suddenly evaporating. My face was hard. "Alrighty then Mikey, maybe we can show you to your room?" The worker smiled at me. All I could do was stare at her.

"It's Micheal not Mikey." I said, and followed beging her and Mrs. Brushard. She showed me outside and smiled, "you'll be sleeping here tonight." I looked up at Mrs. Brushard shocked, her clothes had changed from a bright happy dress, to dark jeans and a t-shirt. She shoved me outside. "Actually this is your new home," she spit in my face and slammed the door.

I woke up to the familiar sound of the plane landing once again. We're here, I thought. At least this will be over soon.

~{ Author }~

Hey all,

What do you think of the little insight into our Mikeys past? Oops sorry, it's Micheal.
Where do you guys think they are???????
Let me know what you think!
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 Where do you guys think they are???????Let me know what you think! Vote, and comment

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                                              Jacke Aherne

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2020 ⏰

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