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Clairvoyance means "clear seeing", it is when you receive visions, or receiving external information in the form of visuals. It can be a blessing and a curse.

When I was very young I would get an orange dog passing across my closed eyelids when I was on the cusp of sleep. This orange dog would eventually form into vivid, HD images of people. It scared the williwonkers out of me and resulted in me blocking out the ability altogether. My dreams on the other hand have remained extremely vivid and I often get subconscious insights, messages from non-physical higher dimensional entities and precognitive visions in my dream time.

Clairvoyance is not just limited to dreams.

This is how it works:

In quantum physics things are both a wave and the particle. The only way we are able to see the world around us is by photons which come in wavelength, this is the same for non-physical energies. Our eyes pick it all up, the non-physical stuff we pick up actually gets filtered through our pineal gland first. It has to. Our pineal gland naturally secretes a substance called Dimethyltryptamine aka DMT.

DMT is naturally produced in plants and other animals and can be consumed as a psychedelic drug where your state is altered to be able to very clearly define and see into the plane of existence that you would generally see a non-physical entity in. This vibration filtered through the pineal gland is then projected onto the rest of what our brain is making sense of, overlapping it then bobs your uncle you're seeing it.

Signs you are clairvoyant:

• You get visual psychic flashes weather you are on the cusp of sleep or in your waking life.

• You have frequent vivid dreams

• You have a naturally strong imagination

• You see non-physical entities, flashes of light, specks. (If you think nah, this is just screen memory or eye floaters, I am going to leave a way to tell at the bottom because it's good to be skeptical, I understand)

• You are maladaptive. I am well aware that having a Maladaptive imagination is a side-affect of anxiety and feeling incredibly out of place but, it's a sign that your imagination skills are hella strong.

 I am well aware that having a Maladaptive imagination is a side-affect of anxiety and feeling incredibly out of place but, it's a sign that your imagination skills are hella strong

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How to strengthen your Clairvoyance:

• Meditate- this will enhance the connection to the universe, when you gain more awareness and the more you expand your consciousness the more you will be able to perceive and the more information will come in. You may notice more experiences coming through not just because your abilities are strengthening but because the spirit world will start to open itself up to you because you are opening up to it.

Next is to raise your vibration. As you do this you will become wayyyy more in tune.
Trust me.


If you see stuff, today, as an adult... it can be herd to decipher weather it's just your eyes or the dark playing tricks on you, over the years I have found a few tricks to make sure it's not my eyes playing tricks.

You see a moving light like an orb. Fix your eyes in one spot as it's moving. If it fixes to where your vision is directed it's a thing called Flash-bulb Memory (it's what happens when you look at a light then the light stays in your eyes for ages, look into a light if you don't know what I'm talking about). If the orb thing keeps moving everywhere that isn't where you are looking, then there is a high chance it's a non-physical entity.

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