Chapter 9 -( His side)

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Harry's POV.

It's been a long time since Saphire run away. I never thought that I'll regret something like this. Regrets that I get from my mistake, is still eating me and just finish up my heart. I wish that I din't do it at all. Now I'm trying to find her, as what they say 'people who hides are harder to find'.

Bitch. Let me tell you who's the mother of all bitches, none other than Amber. A bitch who pretended to be pregnant and who destroys me and Saphire's wedding.

Note: if your getting married don't set up a bachelor's party you may end up ditching your own wedding.


"Let's go" Liam said. We got out of the car and made our way to the reception.

When we open the door loud noises begin to approach me.

"Wah!!!" the sound of trumpets and noises that you commonly here when you get surprise party chu! chu!

The party went well, a lot of my friends says their congratulations and all for my and Saphire's wedding.

"And now the most awaiting part of all..... wait! It's kinda heavy" and then a large box appeared in front of me.

A girl just pop out inside there. My face pure of shock and amusement.

The rest of the night went well. Well let us just say the gift girl makes me drink a lot of liquor.

My head becomes dizzy, it's like the world is spinning around.

The gift girl guided me to a hotel room. Well I can't do anything I'm drunk.

When she opened the door she plopped me to the bed. Then the rest I can't remember

End of flashback...

And then she came to me telling that she's pregnant. I mean I'm naked when I woke up.

After that whole run away thing, she told me that everything she said is not true. She's not pregnant and nothing happened to us. She also told me that some paid her to ruin the wedding.

I was so angry that time knowing that I break my princess, my almost-soon-to-be bride's heart. I can never forgive myself for that.

Now she's lost and nowhere to be found.

I'm not only eager to find Saphire but to find the asshole that paid the bitch.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2014 ⏰

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