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Why won't you let me see your face :(

I have reasons.
I just..can't say right now..or..maybe ever.

If its personal, than I understand. I won't force you. I'll just get to know you for now.
So, what's your favorite movie?

Oh! It's lilo and stitch!

Of course it is hehe

What's that supposed to mean <:(

Nothing, bb

Bb???? Anyways
What's yours?

Hmm probably the Corps Bride.

Really?!? I love that one too!
Okay okay...what's your favorite flavored lollipops???

Hmm, hard to chose but I'd have to say.....Bubblegum or Cinnamon

Finally someone who likes the same things as me 😭

Oh I have to go, Minnie
I'll text you later bb

What's up with you and bb 😂
But okei dokeyy
Bye Jinnieeeeee
Seen 4:23 pm

Mystery Boy-SeungjinWhere stories live. Discover now