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I had promised Asa to keep the gaming PC, but that in itself proved to be a challenge for the exact same reasons why my computer going missing was a problem: I didn't have any explanation for it. 

Eventually I settled on keeping the carton box with the computer safely tucked away in my closet. And for good measure I completely ductaped it shut. I knew Mom would be curious enough to open the box if it was just sitting there, but she wasn't going to remove layers and layers of tape.

There were questions, but I was a master in making quick getaways in the morning and rushing to school before anyone was up. I could only hope my parents would eventually forget about the mysterious taped shut package in my closet.

I knew for a fact Asa hadn't forgotten about it yet.

Asa had made it to our lunch before me and much to my surprise, he was actually sitting huddled together with Landon, Randall, and Camilla, actually talking with them. Or rather, whispering since they immediately shut up the moment they spotted me.

I shot Asa a questioning look but he only shrugged, not giving any information away. I knew he must've said something about the PC however, because Landon was much less subtle than Asa was.

"Hey, Gabe," Landon greeted me first.

"Hi?" I replied, watching him twist and wiggle in his seat impatiently. 

He usually did when he was trying to keep quiet. It never lasted long. Even shorter than my principles lasted when it came to Asa.

"Gabe," Landon said, eyes skirting to Asa before landing on me again. "Camilla, Randall and I are going to try the new multiplayer campaign mode of Double Singularity tonight. We were wondering if you wanted to join... maybe?"

I raised a brow. Granted, this was incredibly subtle for Landon's doing but still way too obvious.

"No, thanks. I think I'm going to skip."

"Oh, okay, too bad then," Landon casually said. 

I darted a glance at all the people at the table, grateful they dropped the topic. 

But it was too easy and I should have known I wouldn't get away that easily. 

Asa was waiting for me in the bicycle shed after school. I found him literally sitting on the baggage holder of my bike. Coming to a halt a couple of feet away, I side-eyed him.

"Is this an ambush?"

"Yes," Asa replied dryly, hopping to his feet. "I want to show you something before you go home."

I sighed as he took out his phone. "Asa.. If it's about whatever was going on at the lunch table--"

"No it's not." Asa paused. "Okay, it is. But just look at this. Please."

Asa offered me his phone. I stared at it, hesitating before finally taking the device from his outstretched hand.

I looked at the screen. Tentatively at first, until I started reading the words displayed. My eyes shot over lines and lines of people commenting online that they were sad I was gone. I even recognised some of the usernames. Chip, Marius, and even Paradox from the tournament at Brown's. The latter was especially mad at the reporters who put that camera in my face and his comment had by far the most likes.

Asa cleared his throat. "What I'm saying is... Why are you letting negative people decide things for you?"

I kept my gaze trained on Asa's phone screen, afraid I'd have tears welling up yet again if I looked up.

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