Boutonnieres aren't exactly aphrodisiacs, m'kay?

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"Just look. That's all I ask."

"We can look later, babe," he pulled off his pants and tossed them in the corner. Then he hopped a bit and pulled off his socks. "Hurry. Levi could be up at any moment."

"Huh?" I tried to remember what was going on. My friend Katie had sent over links and links and it was dizzying. I had no idea there were so many choices like: country casual or country formal or country shabby chic or southern vintage or...


I looked up. Jeb was standing in front of me wearing only his boxer briefs. He looked delicious. "You look delicious."

"You, too."

I smiled. "Thank you."

"However, you're wearing too many clothes. Strip."

I started coughing. "Hold on, was that... a proposition?"

"No. It was an order. The pee stick said we should have sex within 48 hours."

"Now? What's the hurry?"

"We're pressed for time - I explain, you get naked."

I stood up and started unbuttoning my blouse. He stepped close and helped. "Levi, who never ever takes naps anymore, is asleep. In just a few hours, Maggie and Marco arrive with the kids, God help us all. Tomorrow morning, we have church and we really can't miss because my lovely wife volunteered us for childcare."

"That's the 20th."

"Tomorrow IS the 20th. You've lost all track of time since this wedding thing started, querida."

"I have," I agreed. "I'm sorry."

"Be sorry without your pants, they're in the way. And tomorrow afternoon we have the baptism."

"It's the middle of the day, though."

Jeb stood back and raised his eyebrows at me. Before he started listing all the times we'd jumped into bed while the sun was up, I tossed my blouse at him. From years of in-depth research, I knew he would have me in the mood in about 3 kisses. 

OK, it only took two. 

We must have dozed off afterward because the next thing I knew, there was an almighty crash in the kitchen. I swear Jeb was airborne for the door the moment we heard the sound. 

"What's wrong?" I tugged on my clothes.

"He's fine! Just a wineglass. Someone decided to get fancy with his apple juice!"

"So sorry, Mommy!" Levi called. At 4 years old, he could be super sweet. It was a huge improvement on the terrible twos that had lasted deep into the threes.  

"Do you need help?"

"Nope!" I heard Jeb pull out the Dustbuster so I stripped all my clothes back off and hopped in the shower. Jeb's older sister, Maggie, was a complete and utter paragon and no way I was meeting up with her looking like I'd rolled in the hay.

By 4PM, I was put back together - high ponytail, sundress, lip gloss and strappy red sandals. I pulled a fresh shirt onto Levi and hustled Jeb. He literally just combed his hair and called it done.


I packed the notebook into my tote bag and turned to see Jeb with his arms folded.


"You're not bringing that to dinner."

"Why not?"

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