Florence Nightingales

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Four years ago on a Monday in June
Four years which seemed to have passed way too soon
It seems only yesterday when we were first here
And though yesterday's gone still everything's clear

And I watched everything slowly fade to that scene
To the time when we were all just barely sixteen
Young Florence Nightingales in flowers of white
Petals fast blooming with the blossom of life

How we tried to remember yet forgot what they said
About "-isms" and "-ologies" they drilled in our heads
And hid exam papers coz we failed all our tests
As we lifted our spirits with beers and with jest

And we skipped our dinners and stayed up all night
Coz our project's not done and it's deadline's tonight
So we begged our prof to extend one more day
And though it's not right, she just said it's okay

And the boys tried to woo that girl who's too pretty
But her head's in the air and she was too "busy"
And we dolled ourselves silly for that boy we can't have
And how we broke our hearts as we all fell in love

White flowers we were too young and too free
Too carefree to see what our lives would soon be
And we wait for that day we thought wouldn't come
But before we could blink those four years were gone

And here we are now gathered at present
Celebrating our glory and our achievement
In black gowns we marched with the caps on our hair
Amidst laughter and cheer and the shouts in the air

Four years ago on a Monday in June
Four years which seemed to have passed way too soon
Young Florence Nightingales now reaching their prime
Now taking flight to face life's grand design.

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