Chapter 3: Sleepover?

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Hey guys! So sorry for the late update! I was really busy back then, despite all that, I'll give you an especially long one for you guys this chapter!

Thanks for following me, for voting, commenting (only a few) and reading. I hope you guys like this chappie and give me a thumbs up!

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Victoria's P.O.V


"Hey mom, Mr. Sheeran." I greeted politely as I took a seat next to my mom. My mom kissed my forehead. Mr.Sheeran looked at me, tilting his head.

"Where's-" he began but a voice cut him off.

"Dad, can I speak with you?" Jake said placing his hands on his dad's chair. Mr. Sheeran sighed.

"Okay. Let's go." He said.

They left for the garden.

Jake's P.O.V


We walked out of the restaurant to the garden.

"So, what did you guys talk about?" I asked.

"Oh yes, about that, I thought that maybe you would have to stay in Ms.Taylor's apartment for a few days since me and Taylor are going off to Australia to meet the new boyband, 5SOS."

I gaped at him. "Look dad. I know you're trying to make us get along. But the thing is, we're NEVER going to get along alright? She hates me and I have a very complicated situation with her right now."

He shook his head. "I am your father so you're doing what I tell you to. Alright?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

I groaned. "Dad, you don't get it. She'll never let me in! She'll lock me out every chance she gets! Then she'll trash my stuff, hack into my phone-".

"Then bring your phone with you wherever you go."

"Throw my stuff or probably sell it-"

"Then keep your room locked at all times."

"Rip my notebooks and textbooks-"

"Lock your room."

Mess with my stuff, steal my important things-"

"Again, lock your room."

I glared at him. He just smiled innocently.

"She'll keep pranking me, teasing me and get all my secrets. And don't tell me, the solution is, "Lock your room." 'Cause that doesn't make sense. At all."

He smiled, "You're staying with her no matter what happens or what she says."

"That's unfair. She'll never want to do ANYTHING that has to do with me." , I complained.

He sighed. "I promise, it won't come to that."


"WHAT?!" she yelled, getting the attention of most customers who were sitting and eating.

Ms.Taylor shook her head, indicating that we should be quieter. I looked at her and mouthed the words, Why me? I didn't do anything.

Victoria's face was red.

"NO,NAN,NEIN! I am NOT going to live with him!" she shouted storming out the door. Everyone were staring at us.

My dad looked around and quickly tried to make a distraction. "We're VERY sorry to have disturb your evening meal folks, as a apology gift how would you like a performance by me and Taylor?"

The crowd cheered enthusiastically.

My dad smiled politely,"I'll take that as a yes. Taylor come on, oh and Jake-" he looked at me sternly.

"After this performance me and Taylor are going back to Nashville, to visit her parents. Then we'll be going to have a vacation with her parents around the world." he said.

"Under cover of course." he muttered.

I nodded.

"Good. Now go bring Victoria home."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2014 ⏰

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