Chapter One

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Chapter One

        “Definitely not punctual,” Scarlett muttered to herself, taking another sip of her wine. She needed to remember to cross that off the list she had for him, as she did for every man. This was the first strike. She was in a fancy restaurant, all dressed up and waiting for her date to arrive.

        Brad Lipton is the man she was supposed to meet at 8 o’ clock tonight, and he was twenty minutes late for his first date with her. She supposed that she could understand and let this one go considering the fact that he works as a manager of some sort, but she decided against it in the end. Scarlett couldn’t stand the thought of being with someone who put their work over everything else.

                Scarlett decided that she would wait a few more minutes and then she would leave. She couldn’t stand the pitiful looks the passerby’s were giving her, as they glanced at the untouched glass of wine, standing opposite to hers, and the cold, empty seat in front of her. Online dating was a hassle and Scarlett knew that better than anyone. She could not remember when she had last been on a date with someone whom she hadn’t met online.

                Scarlett was impatiently tapping her feet when Brad Lipton walked in. She gave him a small smile and waved when she saw him. He wasn't even sitting in front of her yet, when Scarlett mentally approved his looks. Scarlett almost sighed; who doesn't love a man in a suit? Brad Lipton was perfect in the looks department and due to the list, Scarlett now avoided dating anyone who wasn't. Blonde hair. Blue eyes. She could definitely check those two off from her list.

                "Sorry I'm late. I got caught up with something at work." Brad offered Scarlett his hand and smiled with his straight, white teeth.

                Scarlett shook his hand firmly, returning the smile. "That's perfectly fine. I'm Scarlett Woods."

                "Brad Lipton. Nice to meet you, Scarlett."

                He took his seat and carefully sipped his wine. When he noticed that Scarlett had almost finished hers, he apologized for making her wait this long and offered to refill her glass.

                Scarlett approved of Brad Lipton so far. He only had one strike and if the night went as planned, he may just be the one.

                "May I take your order?" A middle aged woman came to their table. She looked tired, Scarlett noted, like she had been working overtime for days. Scarlett silently read the woman's name tag: Karen.

                "Ladies first." Brad motioned to Scarlett.

                Yet another win, Scarlett remarked. She liked how Brad didn't order for her. She had been on way too many dates where she had eaten something she did not want or like.

                Scarlett quickly placed her order, thanked Karen, and watched Brad do the same.

                While waiting for their food to arrive, Scarlett decided to ask Brad some questions.

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