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Ummmmm... Ok

So I was bored... so I asked my friend what I should draw and she asked if there was a Fell X Dream ship I said there probably was. So we searched it up and found nothing and she asked me to make a ship child as like a crack ship and cause I'm a writer and I love stories I got really into him so now he has a story. Umm... I drew him and haha I tried.


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Yay... His name is Trauma (Took f*cken forever to figure out that name) he's a Dream X Fell child (I DO NOT ship it. I love Kreme too much... and Kustard) and I made a story for him... yay...

Basically, he grew up with Fell and Edge (UF!Papyrus) and is kinda traumatised from watching his dad get abused by his uncle. Edge is the one that told him his other dad was Dream. He acts all edgy and mean like Fell but really he's a big sweetheart. He's a tsundere boi (Just like his confused creator) and he wears a kawaii little blue shirt with a yellow star under his Edgy Mc My Chemical Romance jacket. He's really insecure about it tho. He doesn't like his star eye because he thinks it's too positive and in true tsundere style he hates being called cute. His eye glows like Fell's cause he thinks it's cool to be like his Dad *cough cough Rip off Fell jacket cough cough*. He likes his Uncle Nightmare and Nightmare likes him (To the extent Nightmare can get to) and he hangs out with the Bad Guy Sanses. Dream doesn't know he exists. How he exists without the ship sailing... figure that out yourselves. 

If there's something you can't read in the photo (Don't blame you) ask me what it is and I'll answer.

Blueberry is making a coloured one digitally so I guess I'll upload that when I get it.

Also made this during Religion and my teacher did not care. I wasn't trying to hide it at all.

Also also I totally half-assed the boots and idk why but I tried to make his eye glow in black and white. Btw THE FLOOF IS SO HARD TO DO!!! For me anyway.

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