My obession

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4 years ago I fell in love with the love of my life she's the most beautiful woman in the world . Little red bone chick with a fat ass and even prettier face and smile . The problem is I fell in love  with her at the wrong place and the wrong time . I've been contemplating if I should let her know or not because you see she's in a relationship . I knew her all my life we grew up on the same block and our parents were close but I didn't have feelings for her back then because of the age difference I guess . But 4 years ago while at her baby shower I fell for her and hard too even though she wasn't giving me the time of day . When I saw her walk in I felt like the world stopped and that we we're the only ones in the room .  All I could think of at that time was how she would be my wife and the mother of my kids one day . I was hoping to talk to her at the shower but that didn't happen because her baby father was there and everyone was all in her face . She had got upset for something and all I wanted to do was go to where she was and kiss her and tell her everything will be okay . I don't know what is about her but boy did she have a nigga in his feelings . 4 years later I've been looking all over for her . I even ask around my old block to see if she comes over there but no luck . I didn't stop though about 3 months ago I did some snooping on Facebook and found her Facebook page. Of course I hit that add button and hoped she would add me back . To my surprise about 5 mins later she accepted my friend request , I was mad hype . I inboxed her to see if she even remembered me and to my surprise she actually did  . We caught and exchanged numbers but I had business to handle back in Cali so I didn't text her for two weeks .Apart of the reason I didn't hit her up was because on her Facebook page I realized she was still with baby father and I knew what I wanted .  While in Cali I realized that I should tell her how I feel because maybe it might be a chance for me .  When I came back from Cali I sent her a text
"Good Morning Beautiful"
"Good Morning Who's this though  ?"
"Oh Hey wassup ?"
"Nothing much wyd ? "
"Laying down "
"Oh Alright you okay ? "
"Yeah I'm good "
After that text we would talk on the phone and text everyday .  I loved every moment of it and I was really falling even harder but she didn't even know I was in love  with her .  The vibe that we had was great we were becoming inseparable.  I was going crazy though because deep down I was tired of hiding the feeling I had for and the stuff that I wanted to do to her so I finally told her one day she decided to grace me her presence .

She was shocked and she started telling me how she don't know what to say and that she's in a relationship. I wasn't even trying to hear that bullshit I just wanted what I wanted and that was her .  Come to think of it maybe I was selfish because I didn't want to take what she had going on into consideration.  We started getting closer and closer and I started telling her that if I had my way I would breed her and marry her right now but I know she don't want it to happen . I requested her to come see me more and more and one day we fucked .  She was angry because I guess she realized that she cheated on her nigga but I was excited cause she can fuck . She told me her pussy was good and that she didn't wanna do anything  with me because she knew I would be addicted and that she was in a relationship but hey it happened and she was right I was supper addicted now .  I was deeper in love now because the way her pussy gripped my dick and especially how tight she was  made me go crazy and when she throw that ass back in made me cum prematurely. I wanted all of her I wanted her to be mine but every time we would get closer she would remind me that she didn't wanna fuck now and that she has a man that  she should of never cheated on and that shit would piss me off . She would also tell me that she disappearing on me every time should get pissed off at me .  I dead wanted to strangle her because it was already hard for me to tell her how I felt but she wasn't making shit any better . I had a drunk night and texted her and told her how I felt and she went off on me and all I could do was drink more because at that point I knew I should of kept my feelings hidden . I would get mad when she would tell me she was with her "nigga" I didn't even want her to let him fuck her . In my head she was mine and I told her I wasn't going anywhere .  I was mad though because she never really told me how she felt about me . But surprisingly she started opening up to me 2 months ago and I can tell she was falling for me for she wasn't trying to give up her relationship she has .  I would go to sleep with her on my mind and wake up with her on my mind that shit was driving me crazy cause all I wanted was her to be mine . We spoke about possibilities for us but I know I would never have her fully and deep down that shit hurted . Last month I left to go do some work in Cali and I haven't been speaking to her or even text her like how I use too and it's pissing her off and she feel like I'm ignoring her but I swear to god I'm not I'm just catching up with family and friends because I haven't seen them in so long but she doesn't even believe that . I miss her like crazy but she not feeling me right and She's made it known she's not feeling me . I made it worst too because I guess I'm distancing myself from her too because I don't want to get hurt while she figures out what she doing with that nigga

To be continued .....

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