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Just warning yall, Shiro's gonna be a first class b i t c h here for a while. Just bear with me, you'll get to know later of why.

Also I'm sorry this took so long, I got sick but I'm back now//


It had been weeks since Lance's size had, well, since he had shrunk. And no one near knew anything about shrinking Angel's. It wasn't a thing, Angel's stayed the same size.

“Keith, you need to bring this to the attention of the king and queen. At this rate, Lance will be stuck at a size of six inches for the rest of his afterlife,” Shirogane told him for the sixth time that day. He had been trying to convince him to just confess that he had gone into the underworld.

“Just… just shut up, Shiro. This is all too much right now,” Keith fought against his brother, holding the small angel to his chest.

“If… if I take him to the royal family… they'll take him from me… I don't want to be left anymore. I need him,” he confessed, voice getting soft as he rubbed his thumb on the side of the angel's face. “I can't risk losing anymore people that are important to me… the royal family never comes out of the castle. If he goes now, he’ll never come back out.” Keith could feel wetness on his cheeks. Carefully, the small angel in his hands began to wipe away his tears and kiss them away.

“I won’t let them take me away, Keith. You're my savior. I can't abandon you now,” the prince said with a soft voice.

Shirogane rolled his eyes. “Whatever. Whether he stays this way or not isn't in my control anyway.” And with that, Shiro flew from the house.


It had been three days since the last time Shiro had come over. So Keith couldn't quite piece together why Shiro, Adam, and four royal guards stood in his doorway.

It hit him like a brick when Adam glanced a couple times at the small prince on his bed and back at Keith. They had come to take him and Lance. Quickly shutting the door, Keith ran over to Lance, scooping him up in his hands, and then clumsily breaking through a window just as the guards pushed through the door.

“He’s getting away! Mattronus, run formation 274 and catch him before he gets away! The rest of you, corner Koganium and help catch him!” Shiro ordered. He flopped on the bed in exhaust.

“All I'm trying to do is help the king and queen retrieve their lost son. Why can’t he catch a hint?”

Adam sighed. “Shiro, maybe it's you that needs to look at this from Keith's perspective. You know, for someone who is married, you can't spot a hint of romance anywhere.”

Shiro turned red. “What are you talking about?! I took you on a date to that ramen shop on earth two weeks ago! I'm super romantic.”

Adam rolled his eyes. “Yeah. But when your brother finally found someone he loved, all you're trying to do is take that away from him. I know Lance may be the lost royal prince, but that doesn't mean you can't look at things from Keith's eyes, too. He is very clearly head over heels in love with the prince.”


Keith knew his best shot of getting out of this now was going to be going down to Earth and weaving through trees. He couldn't bear to lose Lance, but the way things were looking, it very well might end up being that way. At this point, Keith was in his full daemon/angel form. While he may have been much more powerful than any angel or daemon, Matt happened to be the fastest angel, which made sense as to why Shiro would have brought him on the mission.

Okay, Keith, both you and Lance are on the line of losing. You can't afford to-


While Keith was busy paying attention to Matt, one of the other guards flew under Keith, knocking him out the moment the two made contact.


Keith woke up in a haze, wrists chained to a bar, feet chained together. He looked around frantically for Lance when he regained full consciousness, only to see him in Adam's arms at the two flew away, Shirogane looking around frantically for both his husband and for the prince.

“Keith Koganium. Thou has committed a vile crime of running from the law, and holding angels captive by testimony of Takashi Shirogane. Ten years in prison shall be sentenced to thee.”

Keith's eyes widened in horror. While on earth, prison was moderate, prison in heaven and hell ment being caged up underground, naked, in the coldest climate. The longest any had survived was three months. He groggily looked at his brother in a last chance in being saved, but there he was, blank faced. The same face he was given when he had woken up in hell.

Then the darkness took over his eyes, his mind, and slowly, Keith slipped away into a long, dark sleep.

He woke up to the feeling of the cold piercing his skin. He knew his time was over. Like his own life on earth, his time in heaven had been short. But at least this time he had someone there to look at each morning, someone who made his heart race every time he laughed. Something he never had on earth. The warm embrace of love.


Keith couldn't feel anything anymore. He continued to tell himself over and over again to stay awake, not to go to sleep, because Shiro would be there any day now. Shiro wouldn't let him die like this, he was his brother. He didn't do anything wrong.

But days, weeks, even months had gone by, and Shiro never came.

Until he did. But not because he came to rescue his brother. Because the only sound he heard from his brother was a loud thud and groan as he could hear Adam screaming at Shiro.

Nothing was clear until he felt two large, warm, familiar hands set on his cheeks. He looked up to see a beautiful male with a wonderful smile spread on his face. Keith smiled when he heard his voice. “Keith, open your eyes!”

“Wake up!”

“Don't leave me like this!”

That was that voice he had been yearning for. But it was distressed. Distant. Crying.

Keith's eyes shot open as he began panting heavily. He looked around the cell, empty, dark, lonely.

No one was there to get him back.

He sat there as the ice stabbed at his skin, no moisture left in his body for him to cry out. He began to let out weak, tired sobs as his last moments in the world were going to be spent wondering how it would have been if that dream was real.

“Don’t fall asleep, Keith. I'm coming for you.”

-edited by gayastrobabe-


Word count 1170

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