Chapter 3 ~ Royals

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This was insane.  Completely and utterly insane.  Why on earth did the Mother Confessor and Lord Rahl want to talk to Kada and me?  Maybe they just wanted to thank me for the statues, I reasoned with myself  No, deep down in my gut, I knew.  This was something more; this was important.

I stumbled on my feet as I struggled to keep up with the brisk pace of the Mord Sith as she led us up to the palace.  I stared in awe at the tall turrets and smooth marble.  Never had I been inside the great stone building, but I'd always admired it's structure.  

You'd think that after living in D'hara my whole life I'd have been in it before, but I'd never had any great reason to.  Eliza always bought stuff at the market held inside its walls.  She was also in charge of selling my goods as I would never be able to hand them over to a complete stranger.  Also, I wasn't very good with money...

Kada gripped my hand as we finally made it inside.  The guards just inside the door seemed to stand straighter as the Mord Sith passed them.  Her braid swished melodically back and forth behind her and I felt my eyes being hypnotized by it.  I squeezed Kada's hand as we went further into the depths of the palace.  Soon enough, the only living beings in the corridors were us and the occasional servant.

We stopped before a set of tall, maple doors.  My stomach notted and I imagined the royal couple inside, waiting.  I suddenly felt extremely self-conscious.  My hands attempted to smooth my dress and I rubbed at the blood caked in dry patches on my arms.

"You look fine.  Besides, its pretty much pointless, young lady.  I don't think Richard and Kahlan will mind a little blood.  Trust me, they've seen much worse." The Mord Sith said, her hands on her hips.  Richard and Kahlan? It surprised me that they let their body guard address them so informally. One would suppose that they'd command being addressed by title.  Then again, I'd heard the rumors that Lord Rahl and the Mother Confessor weren't like most people.  I sighed.  Kada gave me a cheeky grin and squeezed my hand.  I could tell he was excited.

"That's what you get for falling out of a tree, Sis," Kada reprimanded me in a mockingly serious voice.  He gave me a wink as the Mord Sith brought her arm up and rapped the door loudly.

The door opened and we were led inside.  I noticed the room was empty of people except for a guard at the door we'd entered from.  The guard was blushing, his face red, as the Mord Sith gave him a saucy look.

Stone walls surrounded us and the room was lit by glowing orbs sitting in brackets throughout the room.  Two red couches sat facing each other and we were told to sit in the one nearest us.  Another large door faced the one we had come in from.

Without a moments notice or even a fanfare, the royal couple entered.  Lord Rahl's golden cape shimmered in the bright light and the ruby's studded in his gold cuffs gleamed.  The rest of his attire looked wrinkled, as if he'd been too busy to have it washed recently.  The Mother Confessor's simple white dress billowed behind her as she walked.  Her hair was tangled, as if she'd recently been pulling at it in worry.

Kada and I dropped to our knees and pressed our foreheads to the cold floor, releasing each other's hands.  The coolness seemed to clear my head and eradicate the pounding headache that had accompanied me here.

"Rise, my children," the Mother Confessor said after the appropriate time.  We stood and waited until they had seated themselves before we sat down as well.  The Mother Confessor twined her fingers with Lord Rahl's, her eyes locked nervously on the metal collar around Kada's neck.  Her mouth was pursed in a thin, straight line, making her appear very worried.  Lord Rahl squeezed her hand reassuringly.  

"You know who we are, I'm sure, but what are your names?" Lord Rahl asked, his eyes full of kindness.

"Lord Rahl, my name is Kada.  This is my twin sister, Lena," Kada replied, gesturing to me with one of his hands.  Lord Rahl smiled at me and gave me a polite nod, his eyes full of barely viable emotion.  He rubbed his hand against the stubble of his jaw and let out a tired sigh.

"If you don't mind my asking, how old are the two of you?" Lord Rahl said, stating his query as if he wasn't quite sure whether or not he actually wanted to hear the answer.

"We're sixteen, my Lord.  The same age as your children would have been.  We may be to young to remember the event, but we are saddened by your loss," I answered, hoping I wouldn't offend them with the mention of their deceased offspring.  Both of them stiffened and I cringed at their reaction.

"Lord Rahl, Mother Confessor-" Kada started, but Lord Rahl interrupted him.

"Please," he said, holding up a hand. "Call me Richard and call my wife Kahlan, at least when we're alone."

Kada nodded, "Richard, Kahlan. As I was saying, don't either of you find it strange how many coincidences we have with your children? I mean, isn't that why you brought us here?"

I elbowed Kada and gave him a glare while Richard and Kahlan shared a knowing look with each other.

"What is this I hear about a pair of twins that could possibly be my great grandchildren! Richard! Kahlan! The very notion is preposterous! You two aren't forgetting the Wizard's First Rule, are you!?" bellowed an old man with long white hair as he entered loudly through the same door Richard and Kahlan had come in through.  Everyone turned and looked at him.  His hair and long, plain brown robes made him look like a mad man.  It didn't help that he was as skinny as a stick.  His eyes scanned the room and he froze at the sight of Kada and I.

"Bags, Richard! What is this?" he said quietly, his voice raspy but clear.

"Zedd," Richard addressed the old man as he started to stand. "This is Kada and his twin sister, Lena."

Zedd studdied us, his wrinkly face gradually becoming more concerned as he furrowed his brow.  He walked over to me and I stiffened as he placed the palm of his hand on my forehead and wrapped his fingers around my skull.  I felt a tingling warmth flowing through my body and an itching in certain areas along my arms and legs.  The old man stepped back, looked me over once more, and gave a nod of approval.  It took me a moment, but then I realized what he'd done.  He'd healed my scratches! My jaw dropped open and I gaped at him in wonder.

Zedd walked back over to Richard and led him to the corner of the room where they began to have a hushed conversation.  I swore I heard the words 'sorceress,' 'sorcerer,' and 'confessor.'

"So," Kahlan broke our silence, giving us a warm smile. "Kada and Lena, how did you like the parade?"

"I thought the sculptures were amazing," said Kada, giving me a cheeky wink.

"Richard carved most of them himself," Kahlan said wistfully. "The only ones he didn't carve were the twins.  He just couldn't do it.  Cara had one of the villagers carve them."

I blushed and ducked my head as Kada's smile widened.

"Actually, I had one of our Sisters of the Agiel go and take care of the task instead of me.  I was a bit... Preoccupied at the time." Cara interjected, sharing another look with the now beet red guard who I'd forgotten about until now.  One of Kahlan's slender eyebrows raised and she looked as if she were struggling to hold back a smile of amusement.

"General Meiffert, you may be excused.  Cara, stay.  I'm sure the general has much to attend to." Kahlan commanded.  She adjusted her dress and shifted in her seat.  It looked as if the Mord Sith was holding back the urge to stick out her tongue at the Mother Confessor.

"Mothe- Kahlan, I mean," Kada started, his face full of pride. "Lena carved the likeness of the twins."

"Is that so?" Kahlan questioned, now looking at me.  Her brow seemed to be having many reasons to raise today.  I nodded bashfully, suddenly worried about what another person thought of my handiwork in a way I never had before.

"Young man, come stand next to Lord Rahl.  Let us all get a good look at you," commanded the old man as he and Richard walked back towards us.  Kada got up and walked to where he was told.

The likeness between them was strikingly similar.  Strong jaw; tan skin; grey, hawk-like gaze.  For a moment, I let my mind consider the possibility, but I quickly came back to my senses ans shook the impossible fantasy out of my head.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2012 ⏰

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