Humanity's Grim Reminder

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Titans. Humanoid creatures. No one really believed the walls could ever be broken down. The walls were made to keep the titans out. None of them had been able to break down the walls. At least not until two new type of titans came to be. The colossus and the armoured. It was true that most humanoid titans weren't very intelligent. However, the colossus and armoured titans were different. And not just by their appearances. They were smart. More advanced than the usual humanoid titans. Wall Maria had been breached. We all knew it wouldn't be the same after that fateful day. This is my story on that fateful day. The day that was humanity's grim reminder.

  It was almost late afternoon. The sun would be setting soon. Rue and her three older brothers were just headed home from visiting their villages' market. All four of them carried a grocery bag each as they walked home.

"You sure you can carry that Rue?"

Jin asked. Jin had short strawberry blonde hair, porcelain white skin and brown eyes. He wore a plain white button up shirt with light blue suspenders and khaki colored slacks that stopped just a few inches above his shins. With that he wore light pair of brown boots and a blue tie that matched the color of his suspenders.

Out of all siblings, Jin was not only the most mature one but he was also the eldest brother at the age of eleven. Most of the time, Jin is very calm and collected. He had a smile that if anyone saw it, it wouldn't be hard for anyone to crack a smile. He always looked after Rue however. Though most of her brother's did. But they mainly teased her. She was the youngest and only sister after all.

"Of Course I can!"

She said pouting. She held onto the grocery bag and carried it as if she was hugging one of her stuffed animals. The grocery bag kept slipping from her grasp slowly, but Rue slid her arms down so that she wouldn't drop it. Rue didn't even have the heaviest one. but she was only four years old after all, so it felt a lot heavier to her than it actually was.

"Are you kidding, You can't carry it!" Kyou teased

Kyou was the second oldest brother at nine years old. He stood a few inches under Jin. His eyes were green with darker shade of blonde hair than Jin and a fair but slightly darker shade porcelain white skin. He wore a brown long sleeved shirt that buttoned up to his mid chest. Over that he wore a black knitted vest with a white scarf, brown pants and black boots.

Kyou never thought before speaking out. He always acted before thinking. And most times that got him into trouble. He was also very hot headed, meaning he lost his temper very often. He was hardly the calm and collected type like Jin. He also always teased Rue and sometimes even acted like he hated the girl. Even though she was his sister. The two always argued like cats and dogs.

"C'mon shortie, I'll carry it."

And without waiting for Rue to reply he took her grocery bag from her, flicking her forehead. Rue slightly huffed rubbing her forehead from when he flicked her on the forehead.

"You already have one to carry Kyou! That's not fair, give it back!"

"We're almost home. Just let him carry it Rue."

A soft almost quiet toned voice spoke. It was Shiro.

He was the youngest brother out of the family at the age of eight. He had long layered dark onyx wavy hair that looked almost like dark shade of purple in the light. His hair was actually longer towards the back but was tied into a ponytail with a white ribbon. Although from the front, it only looked as if he just had long and layered dark hair. His eyes were sky blue and his skin was fair.

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