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Welcome all of you wonderful writers! We thought it would be time to introduce a Contests and Challenges book so you all can have lots of fun with your writing!

We wanted to start off by explaining the general rewards that will be the same for every contest/challenge that we host on this profile. As this profile is focused on new writers who have books with five thousand reads or less, the rewards that you will be given are:

-A Contest Sticker

-An Interview

-A Profile Shout Out

-Added To Our Contest Winners Reading List

These rewards will also be listed on the contest itself so don't worry if you forget what you're getting!

Also, another thing we wanted to mention is that if you have any contest ideas that you would like to see in the future, please comment them below or send us a PM! We would love to hear your ideas and hopefully be able to incorporate them at some point in the future! 

We will dedicate the contest to you, if your idea is accepted.  So what are you waiting for? Bring them on, folks.

We hope you enjoy these contests and have a blast writing!

Contests and ChallengesWhere stories live. Discover now