Chapter 5

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I'm back from the dead, freshly risen from the ashes of my vampire body. No smokes and mirrors here, ladies and gents.

Anyways, in all seriousness, there is no real excuse than a loss of muse. BUT, I've decided to upload my chapters for other stories at the same time as I feel bad for not updating in such a long time.

Life is hard.

Being an adult is hard.

Kids think that adults have everything together and are respectable—Ah-ha, jokes on them, I'm flying by the seat of my pants.

I hope you all enjoy my latest updates! Thanks!

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Music class eventually came around and Tezuka looked forward to it more than usual, but he was also nervous. We're performing our parts for marks today. He was confident that he would do well, so it couldn't be that. Feeling a poke on his shoulder, he saw Fuji point towards the door. He then came to realise what he was nervous about.

Just before the bell rang, the door slid open and Ryoka entered with a hunch to her back as she shuffled in awkwardly. Tezuka was able to see the full effect of the punishment he administered to Ryoka.

"Nice of you to finally join us Elder Ryota, now if you can please take a seat."

Only huffing a laugh in response to the dry humour, Ryoka nodded vaguely in response and hobbled over to her seat, sitting down slowly with a sigh of relief. Despite the soreness, she had to sit up straight, because even though hunching over might be more comfortable her muscles would get stiff.

Fuji leaned over and used his hand to whisper to Tezuka, "How long did he plank for?" He was curious because even as he left to change Ryoka was still at it.

Glancing to the side past the rims of his glasses, Tezuka mouthed, "Just over fifteen minutes," but apparently Fuji couldn't read his mouth from the blank stare he was receiving. Sighing minutely, he used his fingers, one and six.

Fuji's eyebrows rose—in gym class a member of the gymnastics club planked for a full ten minutes before collapsing, the last one to go down. Onodera-sensei was feeling quite sadistic that day, plank until you drop, it was not fun.

"Alright class, today each sectional is going to be performing their part and your peers will be assessing you. You will have to write down your responses, so you better show me that you have been practising!"

Tezuka's eyes followed a hand that raised, "Excuse me Kiku-sensei, but is this in our group sectionals or instrument sectionals?"

"Instrument sectionals, Ryota. Alright, flutes will come first."

Looking around, Ryoka just noticed that there were only two other trumpets. Well, I guess we'd be loud enough with the three of us on our own. Plus we have enough for the three parts. Seeing Fuji get up from his seat, Ryoka grinned, "Knock our socks off Fuji! You've got quite a pair of lungs on ya!"

Lips tugged upwards with a chuckle, "Thank you for your support," and Fuji gave a little bow before standing up front with his fellow flautists.

With the teacher conducting, Tezuka watched and listened respectfully. While paying attention to the performance, he couldn't help but frown when Ryoka leaned back in her seat with her eyes closed. That's disrespectful...

"Alright, that was very good. Anyone have some constructive criticism?"

Tezuka was about to raise his hand but was beaten to the punch from someone who he thought was taking the opportunity to take a nap.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2019 ⏰

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