Chapter 3

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When we reached the house, I tied Missy up to the porch and ran into the house. "MOM! MOM! I NEED YOUR HELP!" I yelled as I searched everyone. I turned to run down the hallway but bumped into Jenna.

"Whoa, easy. Why are you running around the house like a lunatic?"

"Where is Mom?"

"Her and Dad went to town and won't be back 'till tomorrow. Why?"

"The deputy and Andrew are injured outside. I need assistance. Wait, you have helped Mom lots of times. Can't you help me?" I begged. I sighed as she looked towards the door.

"I'll try my best, but you better bring them in. The last thing we need is wolves on our door step." She disappeared into the kitchen as I opened the door for Andrew. I ushered him into my bedroom where he slowly laid Jake down. Jenna froze once she entered the room, I rushed over to her as her eyes rolled back into her head. I grabbed the bowl of water that she was holding, just as she fainted into Andrew's waiting arms.

"Okay, guess I'm on my own for this one." I muttered to myself. I set the bowl of steaming hot water on my nightstand, and quickly wash up. I held my breath as I ripped the soaking shirt away from Jake's body. Taking a rag, I wiped off all of the blood to reveal three deeps stab wounds. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Andrew's face growing pale. "Andrew, can you please take my sister out for some fresh air. It might be good for the both of ya." I didn't see if he left as I turned back to the task at hand. I grabbed the bottle of whiskey that Jenna had brought in, and poured it on his wounds. His eyes shot open as he let out a scream that would wake the dead. He collapsed back on the bed unconscious again when he finished screaming. I grabbed a needle and thread from my nightstand drawer and began stitching him up. My fingers were numb as they pulled on the needle and thread, tightening up the skin to block the holes.

Half an hour later, I cut the last the string after the knot, and wiped away the new blood that had appeared when I was working. Placing a bandage over top, pulled my comforter over him and blew out the lamp. I made my way out to the front porch, and was shocked to see Jenna and Andrew cuddled on the front porch swing. I stayed quiet as I eavesdropped on their conversation.  "I know this sounds weird but… I think I'm already in love with you Jenna. Once Jake can go back to town, I want you to come back with me, and become my wife."

"I don't even know you though. What will the towns people think?" He scoffed.

"Screw the towns people. I want to be with you, and only you. We would have our whole lives to get to know each other." He got off the swing and went down on his knee in front of her. He grabbed her hand as he inhaled deeply, "We don't have to live here. We could go to the next town over, get married and come back. They can't say anything then. What do you say, shall we do it?" She sat in silence as she thought it over. Was she serious? Leaving us here in our own. Well I guess it's what Mom and Dad have wanted for both of them for awhile. Speaking of the twins, where was McKenna? I pushed the thought to the back of my mind as Jenna replied.

"Yes, I don't know why, but I trust you." I could hear the happiness and the smile in her voice. I gasped when they kissed, causing them to break apart and Andrew to blush.

"How could you Jenna?" I whispered as tears came to my eyes. "How could you leave me?" She walked forward and tried to hug me, but I pushed her away.

"Mary, we both knew that I would have to leave someday. It's just sooner then I imagined it." I scoffed.

"I knew it was going to happen Jenna, I just didn't know that I would be losing you to a complete stranger." I yelled.

"Mary, you have to understand this. Mom and Dad were planning on arranging a marriage for me anyways. So why not arrange it with Andrew." She whispered.

"You what forget it. It's your life, so why would I care. Where's Mickey?" I said trying to change the subject.

"I didn't notice, she didn't come back with you?"

"No, I didn't see her at all." Worry filled her eyes as she ran past me and shouted for Mickey in the house. She came back with a flushed face and was panting.

"She's not here. She went out looking for you when you didn't come back. Where could she be?" Jenna's question was answered when Mickey's screamed came from behind the house. The three of us bolted through the house and out the back door. I ran through the door first, skidding to a halt once I saw a bloody Mickey. Her eyes were rolled back into her head, and a dark figure holding her up by her hair. Andrew cocked his gun as the figure dropped Mickey's lifeless form to the ground, and ran. Andrew jumped off the porch and took off after him. Jenna and I ran to Mickey, though I could already tell me were too late.

"Mickey, Mickey no." I whispered as I pushed her hair away from her head. I couldn't believe she was gone.  Jenna gasped in horror as blood covered her hands.

"She was raped Mary. Blood is flowing freely from her." Tears blurred my vision as I took her in. She risked her life for me.

"It's all my fault." I croaked out.

"No, no.. it's not your fault." Jenna whispered as she rushed over to me. "The only person who is at fault is the person who did this to her." She grabbed me in a sideways hug as the tears came and I let a sob out.

"What the hell is going on here?!" A man croaked from behind us. We whipped around to see Jake, leaning up against the main beam on the porch.

"Jake! What are you doing out of the bed!? You need to rest!!" I rushed up to him and grabbed his arm. I started pulling him to the house when he pulled me back.

"What happened!?" He spit through his teeth.

"Some man attacked their sister Jake. You need to rest now, since you were stabbed. When you feel like it, we will head off back to town." Andrew explained as he came into the light. "Sorry, but I lost him. He hopped on his horse and rode off, so I couldn't catch up." He said between breaths as he leaned over. A lone coyote howled off in the distance, as the horses in the front neighed in discomfort.

"Jenna, Andrew, you two put the horses in the barn. I will help Jake back to bed. We'll put Mickey's body in her room, until Mom and Dad get back." I order, my voice lost of any emotion.  I grabbed a hold of a stunned Jake and lead him into the kitchen. He sat at the table as I pour water into the kettle. Oh I wished Mom and Dad were here.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2012 ⏰

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