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Brennens pov
I quickly pace back and forth around the room until i hear the door ooen
Y/n- brennen im home
Brennen- im in here

I yell. She then opens my door and sees im angry.
Y/n- brennen whats wrong
Brennen- i dont know you tell me

I then pull out my phone and show her the picture that one of my fans took and sent it to me

y/n- brennen please quit yelling at me your scaring me.

Y/n pov
After brennen yells at me he shoves me against the wall and puts his hand around my throat. I tap his arm lightly cuz i was out of breath but he held me there. I began to lose streangth when i kick him in his balls. He falls to the floor and winces in pain. I quickly grab my phone and text scotty to come get me.

Y/n- stay away from me you son of a bitch

I hear the car pull up and i quickly grab all my clothes that i can and run out of the house into scottys car.

Scotty- what happened
Y/n- brennen choked me until i almost passed out
Scotty- cmon ill take you to my house

I nod then he quickly drives to his house and unlocks the door. I walk in to a elton pacing quickly around the room until he notices you and scotty. He quickly runs up to you not even paying attention to scotty

Elton- are you ok did brennen hurt you or the baby
Y/n- elton im fine

He then lightly kisses me on the lips
Elton- im sorry y/n i really am i want you and the baby back in my life, i havent been myself since you left me i miss everything i miss your kisses i miss you laying next to me when i wake up i miss it all

I then let a tear roll out of my eyes as i quickly hug him

Y/n- elton ive missed you more than anything

Scotty- hey what about me i dererve to be loved

Elton rolls his eyes then hugs scotty

Elton- so do you wanna come back home
Y/n- of coure im coming back home elton i have no where else to go.
Elton- well uh ill let you go unpacknyour clothes and ill be up in a little bit to make sure your ok
Y/n- thank you elton

You say wiping your tears away we then go home together

I walk up stairs and put the clothes that i have with me. I then feel tight arms wrapped around my waist from the back and feel someone nuzzleing their head and my neck. I lightly chuckle and turn facing the figure

Y/n- elton ive missed you
Elton- i missed you more and im sorry for everything i done wrong

Elton notices my throat is turning red where brennen put his hands around my throat. Elton then lightly kisses your neck all over where it was red then rubs his hand slightly on your neck. You wince in pain a little

Elton- does it hurt that bad
Y/n- a little bit i think i need to go take a bath.
Elton- ok good i dont want you in pain

I slightly kiss him and grab the clothes i had in a corner and went to take a shower. After 20minutes of standing in the shower i hear the door creak open. It was elton

Y/n- whats up elty
Elton- i just wanted to bring you one of my hoodies cuz its getting kind of chilly out here is your neck feeling any better
Y/n- yeah the hot water is really helping it
Elton- well im gonna let you finish your shower......i.....i love you y/n
Y/n- i love you to elton
Elton- actually no dont put this on put.......,this on

Elton brought you a pair of black ripped jeans and a send it t shirt
Elton- we are going somewhere tonight
Y/n- ok ill be out in a little bit
Elton- ok

Elton then leaves and shortly after you get out of the shower and change into the jeans and the shirt then sliding eltons hoodie over it. I then walk out to see elton in black jeans a black hoodie and his tennis shoes.

Elton- ready to go
Y/n- yeah

You and elton then get in the car and began driving

Y/n- so elton where are we going
Elton- well its a really special place that i used to go to all the time when i was a teenager when i just wanted to get away from life for awhile
Y/n- i see

You then put your earbuds in and lay your head against the window. As you listen to fall in reverse- good girls bad boys

After what seemed like forever you eventually pull up to a drive way with a big house in the middle of the country basically.

Elton- cmon this is my old childhood home.

We then get out of the car as elton grabs a lantern and heads to the dock with a row boat beside it. Elton and you walk down to the dock and hop in the boat as elton begans rowing the boat

Elton- ive never showed anyone this so you cant tell anyone about it promise
Y/n- i promise
Elton- i think youll really like this

We eventually pull up the bpat on the sand and grab the backpack elton brought and the lantern. You have to climb over all sorts of trees as you trip over one of them. You feel elton grab ahold of you and pulls you back up. He then picks you up and carrys you piggy back style while you hold the lantern in front of him as he walks.

We eventually get to an ooen area with sand and it shows the moonand all the stars. You and elton go sit down in the sand and stare at the sky in awe

Y/n- why cant we stay here
Elton- what
Y/n- why cant we just stay here and never leave its so peaceful and nice
Elton- i used to think that when i was a teenager. You probaly dont believe this but i buried a box that had all of my family pictures in it and everything.

Elton then gets up and goes uner one of the trees and begans digging until he walks over to you with a wooden box in his hands. He hands it to you and you both look at the pictures. Afterwards he puts it back and buries it again. You both sit in the sand and stare at the sky again. You lay your head on eltons shoulder and he moves his hand around your shoulder pulling you closer to him. He then kisses you lightly. It then begans to rain. So elton puts the stuff in the cano and hops in

Y/n- elton i want to stay a bit longer
Elton- but its raining
Y/n- i know

Elton smiles and chuckles a little then hops out of the cano and runs up to you. He wraps his arms around your waist from the back picking you up and spinning you in the air. He then puts you down and turns you towards him. He cups your face in his hands and wipes the water droplets off of your face then kisses you. You then hug him as he hugs back.

Elton- i love this
Y/n- what
Elton- spending time with the person that i love in my favorite place
Y/n- i do to elton maybe this could be our spot one day
Elton- i know it will be ours together some day
Y/n- i think we should go elton we have a long way home and i need to lay down my stomach is bothering me i think it might be the baby kicking or just sickness
Elton- ok lets go babe

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