Chapter 18

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Clarion felt exhilarated, she could honestly say that she'd never kissed a man whom she also wanted to seriously injure before.
The first touch of her lips on his was like a taste of water after years in the desert.
Sure they had kissed before but at least a couple years had passed since.
And she hadn't realized how thirsty she was. All that mattered now was quenching it and he was the only one who could do it.
However as she moved her lips over his, he continued to stand there motionless.
It was as if he was merely tolerating the kiss rather than wanting to be apart of it.
Like a favor.
This made her even angrier.
Whereas it should have been the jolt of sanity she needed, she continued her attack on his mouth.
Ignoring the sound of laughing voices (no doubt the soldiers) in the background, she wrapped her arms around his neck, stood on her tip toes, and leaned even closer.
Chest to chest, she tilted her head for a better angle but he was like ice both physically and mentally.
But she had a fire and was keen on melting him.
Still she carried on as she parted her lips, tracing the seam of his mouth with her tongue.
Realizing she couldn't make him open his mouth she pushed away and said,
"Ready for anything huh? Didn't think so." Embarrassment coursed through her and she didn't think she'd be able to face him ever again after being rejected so many times.
But her parting words did it.
A split second after she turned away she heard what could only be described as a growl.
He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her back, the shock of being surrounded by him momentarily immobilized her.
But it was all he needed to assume control, a shock wave rolled through her as she tried to reconcile the years spent with so little touch. He took the lead and slid his tongue against hers.
She could no longer hear the laughing voices and it wasn't because of Miloris' out-of-this-world embrace.
Wanting a more private area as they were kissing out in the front hall, Milori seamlessly walked them backwards into a side room without breaking contact.
Turning he closed the door and tugged Clarion against the wall to continue his ministrations. Minutes passed until they finally tore apart to take a breath.
Clarion marveled at how right it felt.
Milori made her feel delicate and treasured. However reality soon crashed in and she wondered where this left them.
As their gazes finally met, Milori let out a strained but happy chuckle.
"So not to bad for someone you have to force yourself to be intimate with, huh?"

At first Milori was worried his soldiers and subjects would disparage him as news of his and Clarions' amazing embrace began to travel around.
But then a thought hit him.
Everyone thought they where well and truly married.
No one would think less of him for kissing his own wife in public.
Granted, they had only kissed perhaps one other time in public and that was years ago.
Walking through the hallways, soldiers gave him knowing looks along with thumbs-up gestures.
Clarion made him feel like an absolute god. However there was a niggling feeling in the back of his mind as more and more time took him from Arden's death.
Slowly her memory was being replaced with features of Clarion.
Golden hair was becoming chestnut, blue eyes replaced with green ones.
He even had to ask himself if it was Arden he had done something with or Clarion.
It terrified him.
This was all something for him to mull over later though, as today he would send the soldiers off to their guard posts in Pixie Hollow.
If all went well, they would remain out of sight and sound the secret alarm to notify Milori of Kealys' presence then fluidly surround them.
But right when he was about to enter a room he saw Clarion walking ahead a few yards perusing papers, lost in thought.
Afforded with an unobstructive view, he roamed over her from head to toe appreciating her slim but curvy figure.
Yesterday their relationship had taken on a new form and all throughout the day they had been gifting each other with kisses when they could.
He could get used to this.
Immediately he trailed after her knowing the path ended just ahead into a private cul-de-sac. Effortlessly he put his arms around her and swept her up against him ready to kiss her until he saw her expression.
Petrified would be a perfect description and she swung her arms wildly as though being attacked.
"Clarion stop it's just me, your safe."
Immediately she stopped and as though opening her eyes for the first time, looked around.
For once Milori was livid and she wasn't a direct cause.
Her reaction must have been caused by something or someone, some man must have harassed her in the past.
Barely containing his anger at the thought of some fairy man hurting Clarion, he kept his voice soft so as not to spook her.
"Has some man attacked you in the past for you to react in such a way?"
Clarion seemed to immediately soften and stepped into his embrace.
"No of course not, I was just looking through old letters from Kealy and I guess I didn't expect to be grabbed from behind."
Milori frowned, he didn't want her to be looking at letters from Kealy but that was an argument for another day.
He realized then how small she was compared to him and that anything he did from now on needed to be gentle.
Any action he made was probably felt with 10 times more force to her because of how slender she was.
He also needed to end Kealy and his foolish war because the toll was starting (or just now showing) to effect Clarion.
While he was lost in thought, she leaned fully against him and pressed her lips against his. He instantly responded and it hit him then that she really could be his queen if he let her.

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