Chaeyoung's artwork

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**Yoo residency
**knock knock
Momo: kids I'm home 😂
Chaeyoung: hi Auntie Momo, Mina unnie please come in.
Mina: hi. Sorry for earlier. Here, we bought some food for dinner.
Chaeyoung: wow thanks. Omma! Auntie Momo and Mina unnie is here. They brought food for dinner
Nayeon: sweetie no need to shout. Thanks Mina.
Mina: your welcome auntie, I mean Nayeon unnie
Nayeon: Momo can you help me with dinner
Momo: but what we bought was already cooked. What are you still cooking?
Nayeon: I'm making your favorite kimbap
Momo: ok fine let's go
Nayeon: I'll call you girls when dinner is ready.
Chaeyoung: Mina unnie you wanna go upstairs so we can start?
Mina: yeah sure
**entering Chaeyoung's bedroom, Mina was mesmerized with Chaeyoung's artistic decorations.
Chaeyoung: can you sit over there next to the window then look at me
Mina: here?
Chaeyoung: uhuh
**Chaeyoung starts sketching Mina on her canvas
**after 10minutes
Chaeyoung: come on let's have dinner first. We can finish this later
**during dinner
Jihyo: Chaeyoungah how's you project coming along
Chaeyoung: i have a great subject
**looking at Mina
Mina: Chaeng is a good artist
Nayeon:She actually has lots of paintings in this house alone. that's why we converted the old guest room into her art room. It's next to Jihyo's bedroom. Sweetie you let show her the room later.
Chaeyoung: yes omma
Momo: even the music room in our company has her paintings hanging on the wall
Mina: wow you are really talented
Jihyo: speaking of music room. Omma can I use one of your music room in the company. I need to practice for next week's recital.
Jeongyeon: sweetie you don't need to ask permission. The company is also yours.
Mina: what's your major?
Jihyo: music. Just like omma Nayeon. 😁
What about you. What was your first major?
Mina: i did ballet for 11 years

 What was your first major?Mina: i did ballet for 11 years

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Chaeyoung: 😮 wow
Momo: hey Minari, after you graduate. Do you want to work with JMN? You can replace me.
Mina: what? Why? Don't you want to manage it anymore?
Momo: I want to be a dance teacher
Nayeon: she's been looking for her replacement since last year but we can't let just anyone take her place.
Jihyo: can I be a music teacher after I graduate?
NY/JY: of course sweetie
Mina: I don't know Momo unnie. I'll think about it. Let me graduate first 😂 what about you Chaeyoung what are your plans after graduation
Chaeyoung: besides painting. I like writing lyrics. Maybe one day I can produce music for the company
**Mina whispers wow you really are something Yoo Chaeyoung
**knock knock
Chaeyoung: I'll get it
Sana: hey
Chaeyoung: Jihyo unnie. Sana unnie is here
Jihyo: hey what are you doing here?
Sana: you left your phone in my car
Nayeon: Sana come in. Join us for dinner
Jeongyeon: Chaeyoung sweetie get her a plate
Sana: oh hi girls, what are you two doing here? I thought you were at the mall?
Mina: I'm here for Chaeyoung's project
Momo: I live here during dinner 😂 what about you what are you doing here?
Sana: Jihyo left her phone in my car
Chaeyoung: Sana unnie are you also going to take your second course that's why you're back?
Sana: haha no. Actually I'm looking for a job right now. I don't think I can come back to my previous job in Japan
Momo: what was your job back home?
Mina: she worked at a broadcasting company. Momo unnie why don't you hire Sana unnie in your company.
Momo: uhm yeah..... do you want to work for JMN
Sana: yeah sure. what's your job vacancy ?
Momo: my replacement. Management position. I'm planning on leaving the management team on the hands of these two and just be a dance teacher. Don't worry I'm still the co-owner of JMN and your boss if ever you decided to apply.
Sana: are you sure you want me in your company ?
Momo: send me your resume tomorrow. I'll have the HR people call you
Sana: thank you Momo unnie
Mina: this is great. I like seeing you two work things out.
Momo: I promised Dahyun i will try.

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