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Chres POV

Im in a private waiting room because I cleared the whole 7th floor since people are always out for me.The doctor comes.


Doctor - Mr.August

Chres - Yes

Doctor - Well she had a bad anxiety attack and she needs to be on bed rest and stay away from stress but she's ready to leave

Chres - Thanks Mayne . What's her room number ?

Doctor - room 202

I ran to her room and when I got there i just sat beside her admiring her beauty , "Well nique I know you're sleeping but I will never leave you're side I want you there by my side everyday and night I wanna make love to you and have our beautiful children and we can get married and have the best family ever I love you so much.

"I love you so much also" she said I looked up and smiled at her " Will you be my girl?" I asked "YES! , Of course!" She said I just smiled and shook my head.

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