Kim Hyun Joong Facts

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1) The date of his birthday has three numbers 6 in it (6/6/1986) 

2) He is a leader of SS501 

3) His nicknames are Kim dog cow, walking statue, little groom/ kid groom, leader, jihoo sunbae 

4) He scares of bugs/insects 

5) He likes manga/ manhwa 

6) He likes skull  

7) He is a realist (with an economic mind) 

8. He likes to sleep but he feels sleeping is a waste of time (that's the reasons why he sleeps late cause he doesn't wanna sleep, wants to do something so not to waste time & therefore makes him hard to wake up early.) 

9) He will choose love over friendship 

10) He can play guitar (He knows a lot of styles) 

11) He believes in "love at first sight" 

12) He hates to say mushy and cheesy stuffs 

13) He calls his girlfriend "Yah" 

14) He ran away from home in 9 grade going to10 grade because of Seo Taiji 's song Ultramania 

15) He gets nervous at Karaoke  

16) His complex are his lips and eye bags 

17) He has a phobia for older people 

18) He had 3 near death experiences when he ran away from home 

19) Host shy around people he doesnt know 

20) He can't feel pain when people pinch him 

21) He likes to fishing 

22) He is a very competitive person 

23) He can sleep anywhere, anytime and he can't easily wake up 

24) He is a very detail person.  

25) He is extremely ticklish around his ribs. 

26) He also likes to eat his lettuce separate from his bbq/bulgogi. 

27) He's afraid of the sea because of sharks. Thanks to the movie Jaws. 

28) He mentioned that his ideal girl was someone like Lee Hyori. 

29) He lost a lot of weight for his role in BOF. 

30) He is the King Sleeper of SS501. (Takes a lot to wake him up)  

31) He hates people command him to do something 

32) His blood type is B 

33) He is a Gemini 

34) His family include MOM, DAD, Grandma, And Older brother 

35) He doesn't like girl go back and forth between men. 

36) He is a very conservative person. doesnt like his gf/ wife to wear revealing clothes. 

37) He sleeps in his underwear because he don't like wearing cloth in sleep 

38) Seo Taiji is the perso str wants to meet the most. 

39) He memorizes phone #s that he uses most often. 

40) HE wears contact lenses. 

41) His life motto is "Since you were already born, you should work hard to make your name known, help your less fortunate neighbours while living a life that earns respect.", "life is one shot/strike" 

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