Chapter 2: Welcome to Hell

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Don't get me wrong; I really do love my uncle. For the two weeks of winter break, we didn't speak to each other much, and I understand that. But, it was almost like he knew something I didn't about my mom.

He would hint it in the most vague ways, and when I tried to ask him about what he meant, he shrugged it off, or kind of muttered something I couldn't hear; something about me being too young to know...To know what?

I stared into my reflection; hazel eyes with bags beneath them from lack of sleep, paler-than-usual skin, and knotted up brown hair that fell just above my waist.

I backed up and sighed, as I quickly stripped from my pajama shorts and top, before jumping into the shower.

I turned the faucet to almost as hot as it goes, and let out a deep breath I didn't notice I was holding.

Today, January 5, will be my first day of school at Kennebunk High School. If you asked me, I would say I'd rather stay home and listen to music all day, as per usual. But, no, I have to go to a new school with new people who'll more than likely dislike me or just ignore me.

After surfacing from my pool of self pity, I realized that the water had already started to get cold.

I hurriedly turned the faucet off, and grabbed a towel, drying myself off as fast as I could.

Groaning, I checked the time on my phone and realized that I had exactly 15 minutes to be out the door.

I ran to my room in merely a towel and changed into a grey oversized sweater, black skinnies, and a pair of vans.

I brushed my hair before pulling it into a very lazy braid and grabbed my bag from the floor.

I glanced down at my phone; two minutes.

I ran down the stairs and out the door, not bothering to grab something to eat before leaving.

My uncle was already at work (a mechanic) and he won't be home until around seven tonight. I don't see him much at all; he's working extra hard for me, apparently. I hate not seeing him at throughout the day, but I've already become used to it.

I sighed, the school already in view. I only live two blocks away, so that's the (only) good part.

There was many people standing outside the school, and what I could see, most of them appeared to be jocks or preps.

I frowned as I approached the school. Some people sitting on the stairs stared at me as I walked by, and I overheard a few words from them.

"That the new girl, right?"

"Yeah, she's the one without parents."

"Oh, right.."

I walked a few paces faster toward the entrance, ignoring the stares.

The school isn't overly large; there's only about 300 students and not many people move here often.

I rushed into the entrance, still avoiding as many people as I could, and headed toward the office (which wasn't hard to find at all).

By the time I approached the office, the woman behind the desk already knew who I was.

"Adira Chase! Welcome to Kennebunk High. Here's your schedule and your locker number!" she shoved a paper towards me, "I'm sure you won't get lost here, but if you need any help, feel free to ask anyone, okay?"

I stared at her in disbelief, before nodding slowly.

I mumbled a thanks, picked up my paper, and was on my way to... English, just as the first bell rang.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2014 ⏰

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