chapter 22; crimson and clover

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'if you weren't mind I'd be,
jealous of your love'


The moment Boxer's hooves thudded over that large bridge into Saint Denis, you felt yourself begin to worry about heading back into the city that had caused you so much strife.

When yourself and Arthur had first set out, you did not feel you would be so phased by it with the love of your life at your side – but still these feelings haunted you like a bad dream.

Phantom and Boxer walked side-by-side as they carried the pair of you into the city, the ground beneath you making the gradual transition from dirt to cobbles. It was strange, for the moment you heard the clip-clop of your mount's steps – your hands tightened fearfully on the reins.

This notion had not gone unnoticed by Arthur. His grey-blue eyes fleeted to his right, spotting your disconcerted expression and the way your whole figure had tensed in the saddle.

"You're thinkin' about it, ain't you?" Arthur's concerned tones rang through the blizzard of your thoughts. Swallowing hard, you hoped to be rid of the lump in your throat.

He was very right, you were thinking about it. Your lover did not even have to elaborate – you knew you were both of the same page.

Sighing, you shakily kept a clutch on the leather reins in your hands, your eyes fixated on Boxer's mane in front of you.

"I... I just hadn't expected coming back here to affect me so much." You responded truthfully, feeling Arthur's worried gaze on you. This forced you to look up and offer him a wry reassuring smile. The last thing you wanted him to be doing was worrying about you.

"But... I'm here with you. I know I will be okay." You affirmed, the final part of your statement was a hidden question that rang clear to Arthur – 'I will be okay, won't I?'

The outlaw's mind flashed back to all those times before: the wolf attack in Cumberland forest, Micah's exploit that had you exiled... all the times he had failed to protect you. A furious determination caused his gut to turn a little.

"Course you will." Arthur responded, is voice offering that blissful clarity and reassurance your rather felt you needed. Your mind retained the stead-fast tone of his words as the pair of you walked the horses up the long main street.

Viewing the city around you, you could safely say you were glad to be rid of it's clutches. The packed streets, with it's many windowed eyes and looming doorways only offered a sense of being watched – always expecting a danger or a strife to occur. The countryside offered so much peace; a haven and a retreat – with beauty that the city could not compare with. Saint Denis was the figure of a old worn out whore, who was still caking on her makeup in hopes for a new presentation – whereas the beauty of the untamed countryside was a young miss, a free spirit with an untamed sporadic nature and endless possibilities in her sky blue eyes.

The countryside was where your heart lay.

Carrying sweet thoughts of the fact you would be able to return to your home soon, yourself and Arthur tethered your horses on the street – just outside one of the many jewellers in town. Thankfully, it was not the same one you had procured the diamonds from.

Eyes gazing up to the imposing pretty building, your hand absent mindedly was fiddling with the buckle on Boxer's saddle bag. It was only when you realised exactly what you were doing, you were reminded of some important contents in the saddle bag. With an urgency, your fingers were unpicking the leather strap to find the thick stack of notes Arthur had given to you on that horrendous day where you had been forced to leave.

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