The Assesment

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Five years later, I was told I am of age. My brothers were taken from us at the age of 12. I haven't seen them sense. They will be 16 now. My little sister is eight now. My mother was crying the day before my birthday. She told us a story. 

"When kids turn 12 they are taken from there parents and put to work in different places all around the world. They are sold. We won't ever see your brothers again because of it. They could be doing anything. If you find them, remind them who they are," my mother told me quitely. I went to sleep holding my sister and my mom holding me. I told my mother to fake Kristains death and hide her somewhere safe in the woods. 

The next day at noon, six cops knocked on our front door. I had on my favorite boots, ripped jeans, ripped t-shirt, and hair just the way I love it. My mother gave me a letter, written by my father.

"Open it when you think you can't escape," she whispered in my ear. My sister put a locket around my neck. Two cops held my mother back from me and another had my sister. I fought them and three had to carry me out of the house. I was ducktaped and threw into the back of a truck with about 19 other kids. It drove for hours and I got to know the boys around me. I noticed one boy sitting in the corner and not talking. He was looking down and keeping to himself. His blonde hair covering his eyes, his riped up t- shirt a bright green, his ripped jeans, his boots, and his hand had something in it. I reconized him as my best friend all though school. I scooted over to him and sat there for a long time. He never looked up or around. I got a better look at him and he was skinny, but had a great build for being 12. The girls around me were crying or leaning on each other to get threw this cause they knew each other. I knew them, but I was strong. The boys around us talked about what might happen to them. All the possibilitys. I was silent for half the ride. The boy looked around and saw me sitting there. He leaned on me a little to get my attenchen. I looked him in the eyes for the first time sense school. His eyes where a beautiful light blue with neon green patches in them. I was mezmorized by them. 

"You seem different from everyone here. I remember you from school," he said in a whisper. 

"So do you and I remember you also," I whispered back, never looking away. 

"What's your name again?"

"Alecandrea Brillance, you?" 

"Nicki Brighteyes. Favorite color is purple still?" 

"Yup, yours is green still?" 

"Yeah, exactly the color of my shirt. Have you been told much about what is going to happen to us?"

"I haven't been told anything." 

"They are taking us to assesment. They are going to find out strenghts and weakness's. My dad adviced me to do as I was told, but don't let them find your strengths or weakness's. Stay true to yourself." 

"Thanks for the advice. I have a feeling they won't be able to break me and you." 

"Let's stick together like we did back in school." 


"We will learn that only ten kids survive these assesment's. I hope I'm lucky enough to be part of that ten with you."

"Me too." The truck stopped and pulled only ten kids out of the truck. I saw them go into a building. After a few minutes of silence all you could hear was the screams. They pulled five more out after what seemed like an hour. There was five of us left, I was the only girl. I leaned on Nicki wishing the screams would stop. They pulled out the rest of us and took us threw the door of the building. We walked down a hallway with doors lining it. You could hear screams in all ten room's except six on the last part of the hallway. They put each of us in a room on a stool, by ourself. I heard more scream's starting as a lady walked in my room. She asked me questions about my family that I answered without much detail. I did as I was told. She left the room after what seemed like an hour. She came back in with a choker. It was purple and had my name on it. She put it around my neck. She told me to follow her and I did. We walked out of the room and into the sixth room. There was nine kid's sitting there. I made ten. She told me to sit down and I did. She then left and locked the door behind her. All screams were gone. I saw Nicki and we moved to each other. We sat up against the wall and I held his hand behind our backs. The lady came back in and took two boys out who were shaking. There ducktape got taken off and they followed her out. I was the only girl that had survived. They took two every 30 minutes, I'd say. When me and Nicki were the only ones left we got worried what might happen to the other. She came in and told us to come to her. We did and she took the ducktape off us. She then told us to sit back down. We did against the wall. We held each other close and when she returned it seemed like forever. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2012 ⏰

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