Chapter 6 - Devious Traits

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Thursday Morning – Head's Dormitory

Rose was running out of time. She knew that. It was all she could think about during her patrol last night. As much as it haunted her, she was still without a plan. The Hunt would be over in three days and so would her chance with Scorpius.

It was a little harder than she thought. Making her move on Scorpius, that is. Walking into the unknown territory and leaving the label of 'friends' behind. She didn't want to lose him from her life but a larger part of her wanted more than just friendship now. She'd wasted far too much time, especially with Lacey Weasley and Scarlett Flint in the mix too. There was no way those two planned on playing it fair so unless Rose came up with a bloody brilliant plan... and fast, she was royally screwed. It was time to pluck up some of her mighty Gryffindor courage and get serious.

She made her way down to the common room not at all surprised to see that Scorpius was still in his room. He hated early mornings almost as much as she did. Rose set about collecting her books and bits of parchment, reading something she had written on one of the pieces. It was only fifteen minutes later that saw Scorpius drag himself down the stairs.

"Late night Malfoy?" Rose asked though her back was to him.

"Damned Hunt." He cursed. "All these people running around after curfew means I actually have to do patrols."

Rose laughed but didn't turn to him just yet. "Well that is a shame," she teased.

"You're awfully chipper this morning Red." He commented walking towards her.

"Hmm... can't I be happy in the morning?" she asked. He stood behind her now, and Rose could practically feel the heat radiate off him.

"No," he answered softly leaning into her, his musky scent delicately wrapping itself around Rose. "Any... particular reason?" he asked cautiously.

Rose turned to face him slowly, with a Slytherin worthy smirk on her face. Scorpius took her in and felt the air knocked right out of him. She had unbuttoned the top few buttons of her school blouse which he was sure she had altered to fit her tighter... because there was no way it had been that tight yesterday. She had left her hair down so it framed her face and fell wonderfully around her skilfully exposed cleavage. The winner, however, was seeing a green Slytherin tie knotted loosely around her neck. His tie to be more specific.

"No reason in particular. Just happy." She answered smiling innocently.

Scorpius drank her in unable to get enough and suddenly the need to touch her was all he could think about. He grabbed her and walked her back until her legs hit the back of the couch. His arm wrapped around her waist, while the other embedded in her hair.

"Is this another one of your devious traits?" he asked his lips a breath's kiss away from hers.

"Maybe," Rose murmured. She bit on her bottom lip as his thumb grazed her flushed cheeks. He pulled her closer, as close as he could get her, squeezed tightly between the couch and his firm chest.

The biting of her lip drew his gaze towards her mouth. All he had to do was lean in and kiss her till kingdom come. Slowly his thumb tugged on her lip, so she would stop the biting. He was so close, he could count the little freckles on her nose. He could see that her beautiful chocolate eyes were dilated and he noticed how pink her cheeks had gotten. All Scorpius smelt was vanilla and a hint of cinnamon, and all he knew in that moment was Rose Weasley was going to be the death of him.

But remembering the conversation he heard the previous night, Scorpius decided to wait before he gave in. He waited this long, surely a few more days wouldn't kill him... hopefully. He'd make Rose go crazy before he ravished her. His lips hovered over hers, and it took everything he had not to lean in all the way. A little longer, he told himself, Just a little longer.

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