Chapter XII: Softball Season

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{ I'm making an attempt to figure out how many more chapters are going to be in this. Theoretically, I could have a shit ton of chapters that don't progress the story, like dates or more time with the group, certain chapters following other relationships in the story, etc. Let me know what you guys want / think. It would really help me continue this story instead of writing the minimum amount of chapters to finish it. }

Softball season finally came around, and Clementine was beyond excited. It was one of the main reasons that she was okay with moving to this new school. She had heard that they had one of the best softball teams in the country, surprisingly. Lee helped Clementine buy all new softball gear, since she had been using hers for as long as she can remember. One thing she also needed to make sure to do was request that her number was number 9 because it was lucky. One season she had been number eight, and she played terribly. Their team still ended up winning, but she definitely caused a strain on her teammates.

Clementine was honestly just hoping that she got on the team. Honestly, she didn't have too much to worry about, but she has heard rumors of Ericon's High actually playing really good. Clementine also decided to invite the group to her try outs, if they wanted to come. They agreed, except for Violet. She wasn't a huge sports person and in her opinion: "Baseball sucks." Clementine always had to remind her that softball and baseball were different, but also similar. Hesitantly, Violet finally agreed with the help of some motivation. { ;) }

~ Skip To Tryouts ~

Clementine was in the lockerroom, changing into her athletic wear. She didn't have her uniform yet, so she just had to bring her own clothes which consisted of spandex and a rash guard. Clementine took a look at the people around her for a split second before leaving, grabbing her equiptment, and heading onto the field. She glanced out toward the bleachers and easily spotted the group, as well as Lee, Carley, and AJ. Parents and close friends usually came only to pick the player up after tryouts. Try-outs wasn't that big of a deal, but Clementine was glad that they showed up.

Eventually, all of the players came out onto the field and Clementine was met with an all too familiar face. Unfortunately, the girl decided to confidently walk up to Clementine and slightly get up in her face. Clementine finally met Minerva's sea-green gaze. "Can I help you?" Clementine questioned with venom in her tone.

Minerva cupped Clementine's cheek and gently brushed her thumb over the scar that she made. "Looks like I really did a number on you." Minerva said, only loud enough for Clementine to hear.

Clementine instantly retaliated at the girl's touch. "Oh, says the one who got knocked the fuck out. Let's not forget that, shall we?" Clementine hissed, not trying to make a scene, but she also hated how weird Minerva was acting with her. "Looks like you also have some damage, princess." Clementine put her finger on the scar running through Minerva's eyebrow. She was guessing that was from when she went for Minerva's eye and missed.

Minerva just stepped closer to Clementine and slightly bent down to Clementine's ear. "They make us look sexier, so I don't see an issue here." Minerva gushed slightly, and Clementine felt her insides turn. Minerva finally backed up and picked up her dufflebag. "Good luck." She mumbled as she walked away.

Clementine wanted to honestly vomit at that moment. 'What the hell was her problem?' Clementine was trying to find a reason to not go and attack Minerva, but she slowly calmed down. She sent a glance up at the bleachers and she caught Violet with a pissed off expression. She knew for a fact that Violet definitely just saw her encounter with Minerva. Violet definitely wasn't going to be a happy camper after this session, so that was another issue to deal with.

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