The Ghost and the Obviously Crazy child

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Site: FFN

Fandom: Naruto

Author: BetweenTheSeaAndStars

Summary: What if Naruto hadn't been left alone as a child? What could a woman with only the vaguest knowledge of Naruto, who didn't try to hold onto her memories so now they were more like dejavu, do to change things? Existing was a huge start.Wait until Uncle Ibiki and Inoichi stepped in.. Semi S/I OC with a twist, Pairing undecided. Heavy messing with the timelines Utterly non Canon

Rated: T

Chapters: 17

Status: Ongoing

Review: This story is less of a self insert than it is an OC story. It is an enjoyable read. It shows the depth of shinobi and civilians. It is a realistic take on an OC who involved herself with multiple characters and the affects she has on them.

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