The one with Perrie

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Liam was in Zayn's office, as usual. This time Charlie left earlier, cause he had a cousin's birthday to attend. And Niall had a lot of work to do, as he chose to have fun with the boys, instead of working and left everything to hours before the deadline.

He was on the desk, swaying his legs back and forth, doodling in his notebook. Zayn was in his chair, not minding his friend sitting on the table, and grading some assignment sheets. When he was done, he put some documents in his brown leather workbag and switched off the lights and the computer.

- All done, bub. Let's go home. - He patted the boy's back, getting his attention.

Liam put his notebook and pencils in his backpack and jumped off the table. The weather was pleasant, so Zayn didn't bring his car in the morning. They had to walk. Liam shoved his hands into his hoddies' pockets and walked beside his friend. Zayn led him with his tattooed hand on his back.

- Li, put on your jacket. It's a bit windy.

- Noooo. Don't wanna. - Liam whined childishly.

- Liam! - Zayn warned and stopped them both.

- No! - Liam pouted, kicking his foot lightly on the ground. He was so tired from the schoolwork that every little thing could get on his nerves easily. Even if it was just his friend telling him to put on a jacket.

Zayn just shook his head and turned Liam around to open his backpack and pull out the beige denim jacket. He put the backpack on the ground and forcefully put the jacket on him and buttoned it, without saying anything. Then, he gave him back his backpack, took his smaller hand, and dragged him along, almost forcefully. There was no way anyone could guess that they were just friends. Zayn's blond hair and natural-colored stubble made him look like a man in his early 30s. And Liam's height, innocence, and curls gave him the appearance of a ten-year-old. So they could easily be mistaken for father and son.

Liam sighed and finally looked up from the floor. He mumbled a small 'sorry' and snuggled into Zayn's side, walking in a calmer manner.

- That's ok, Li. I know you are stressed from the midterms. But I just want to make sure you don't get cold. - Zayn said and pecked his head. - What do you say to a good movie with hot chocolate, hmmm? - He suggested.

- Ok. But can we watch the movie with dad and papa? - Liam asked, smiling tiredly.

- Of course, Li. We can start without papa, but he'll join when he comes back from work. We all need some relaxation time. Well, except for your dad, cause he enjoys yummy food, wears comfy clothes, and writes books the whole time. Sometimes I envy him. - He chuckled.

- I like it. I wanna be like him when I grow up. - Liam said shyly.

- Aww. I know, bud. He was always your idol, since day one.

They continued their peaceful walk, till they heard a feminine voice.

- Mr. Malik?

Zayn turned around with Liam still leaning on his side and smiled at the blonde girl that was around his age.

- Hey? - He said awkwardly to the stranger.

- Hey. I'm Perrie. Perrie Edwards. We met at the gallery, remember? You mistook the date and came to the fashion show, instead of some painting master class? - She tried to remind him.

- Oh, yeah. The 'Use of colors in Van Gogh's paintings' seminar. Still can't believe I missed that. - He chuckled.

There was a short pause and Liam tugged on his coat, causing him to look down. Liam just raised his eyebrows and silently reminded Zayn that he still hasn't introduced himself.

- Oh... I'm Zayn. Zayn Malik. - He finally said and shook Perrie's hand.

- Nice to meet you, Zayn. - She smiled at him sweetly.

- And this is ... um... this is My Liam. - Zayn introduced his friend and smiled down at the young boy that instinctively snuggled deeper into his side, almost hiding. Deep down, Zayn loved how fearful Liam could be with strangers. It made him feel special because he earned Liam's trust and love immediately.

- Hey. I have to say you don't look alike at all. - Perrie noticed and sent Liam a warm smile that actually made him feel cold.

- I get that a lot. - Zayn laughed at her confusion. - We are best friends. He is not my child. I'm only twenty-four, by the way. But yeah, I'm nine years elder, so we're used to the confusion, right Li? - He ruffled his hair.

- Yes. Some of my classmates still think that my full name is Liam Malik. - Liam laughed and his eyes crinkled.

- Sounds good. - Zayn said and turned his attention to the girl. - We're walking this way. You wanna join? - He suggested politely.

- Sure. - Perrie smiled and started walking beside Zayn.

Zayn and Perrie got to know each other, while Liam was in his own imaginary world, not really interested in adult conversation. Zayn didn't pull off Liam, though. He continued walking, one of his arms wrapped around the boy, the other in his coat's pocket. He knew how tired Liam was and wanted to get home soon, but he also liked Perrie. She seemed nice and intelligent.

- Oh, look. There is a park. You want to stay here for a while? - Perrie suggested, hope prominent in her voice.

Zayn glanced at Liam, who didn't react in any way, still daydreaming. So, he agreed and led the boy to the branch. They sat there for half an hour, telling stories from their childhoods, works, unusual dreams, with a lot of compliments, giggles, and laughter in between. Liam was reading a book, leaning sideways on Zayn with his back, and his knees brought to his chest.

After a while, Zayn and Perrie exchanged with numbers and even had a short hug. Liam was trying hard not to laugh at his friend. He wanted to tease his flirting skills so badly, but he let it go.

They reached the Styles-Tomlinson house and Zayn knocked on the door. Louis opened the door with a smile plastered on his face.

- You ordered a son, sir? - Zayn asked.

- I swear Harry's jokes are better. - Louis said, letting them in.

- Pfft. Yeah, sure, Louis. - Zayn said, helping Liam to take off his jacket.

- Louis? - Liam frowned.

- What? You thought I still have to call him Mr. Tomlinson? That would sound weird, right Lou? - Zayn answered, taking off his own coat.

- Not for me. - Liam pouted.

- Stop pouting. You can't look like that 24 hours a day. I can't bear that much cuteness. - Louis cooed and gave the boy a bear hug. No matter if they lived in the same house, he was still touchy-feely the whole time. And Liam loved his dads' affection, unlike other teenagers that wanted to look cool and independent.

They prepared snacks and hot drinks for watching "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey," and sat in the living room.

- You know, Zaynie got a girlfriend. - Liam looked up at his dad and grinned in a teasing way.

- And who is the lucky girl, Malik? - Louis smirked at him.

- Umm... Well, her name is Perrie. Met her in a gallery a couple of months ago and we ran into each other on the way here. But she isn't my girlfriend... yet. - He added hesitantly.

Louis and Liam smiled at each other knowingly. Their Zaynie got a girlfriend.


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