Just A Dream (LalnaSounds Fic!)

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Yeah, well, I have a problem... I decided I wanted to write a LalnaSounds fic! Bad life desicion. Lets see how this ends...

P.S.- Not sexual or anything ;)


Nano was lost. Lost in a sea of deep, purple mist. Well, more of a violet color actually. It swirled around her, so dense and fluid it almost seemed alive. She was scared, and confused, and felt completely and hopelessly lost. "Hello?" She called out, a quiver of fear in her voice. It echoed through the fog, and she swore she could hear faint whispers. "Lalna?" She whispered this time. Her echo had been unnervingly warped by the fog. There was no response.

She began to wander slowly through the fog. Eventually, she saw a faint light through the fog. She began to walk faster towards it, until she was almost running. The light grew brighter and larger as she got nearer and nearer. It seemed to burn the fog away, or at least keep it at bay. She stopped only a few feet from the light. It was a tall, oval sphere of light, about the size of a person. The whispering around her was intensified, and Nano was getting more scared.

However, there seemed to be another voice coming from the light. A more kind, more soothing one. She listened hard. 'It's alright. Everything's okay.' She swore she could hear the words. The whisper from the mist became more insistent, more terrifying, but the voice from the light stayed calm and comforting.

Nano's heart was pounding faster as the whispers grew louder, still inaudible, but grew to an almost deafening hiss. She fell to her knees, and pressed her hands against her ears, but this didn't block out the noise. "Stop! Go away!" She yelled, bordering on hysteria, when she heard the voice of the light one more time. 'Everything's okay.' In a last, desperate attempt to get away from the whispers, she half-crawled, half-tumbled into the light.

Suddenly, she was bombarded by new images and sounds. Familiar ones, and ones not so much. All equally terrifying. The Naga, the Flux, Duncan's castle being destroyed, their ship crashing, the Orphanage, Mario themed jumping puzzles. She screamed but couldn't hear herself. Suddenly, one thing sounded louder than the rest. 'Don't worry, I'm here. Everything will be alright.' It was the last thing she heard before the once-soothing and now piercing white light collapsed into darkness. But this time, she recognized the voice, and it was the last thing she thought before the dark embraced her. Lalna.

* * *

Nano woke up screaming, as she felt a pair of arms wrapped around her waist. She trashed and tried to get free, but she heard that voice in her ear again. "Shhh, don't worry. It was just a dream. Shhh..." She suddenly stopped resisting and collapsed into Lalna's warm embrace, her body racked by sobs.

She was sitting straight up in her bed at PandaLabs, moonlight streaming in through the windows. Lalna was sitting behind her, his arms wrapped around her and holding her tight. "It was just a dream, don't worry. I've got you now, nothing will hurt you." He was whispering. Nano's sobs soon began to fade, and she allowed herself to be comforted by Lalna's soothing voice and the safety of his embrace. She turned her head to look at him, her cheeks wet with tears.

"I- I had a bad dream-" She stammered, but he shushed her. "Don't worry, It was just a dream. Nothing will hurt you here." He smiled softly at her, and she sniffled, smiling back weakly. Lalna wiped a tear from her cheek, Nano leaned in, and their lips met. And she forgot all about her nightmare, and it was just the two of them, there, in that moment.

Lalna stayed with her that night, keeping her close, until a deep, peaceful sleep claimed her. When she woke the next morning, she was alone in her bed, and she could hear the whine of machinery downstairs. She heard Lalna swearing at the computer and smiled, the memories from last night slowly coming back to her.

Nano sat there for a while, thinking about her hazy memory. Did that really happen? She asked herself. Was that real? Or was it all just part of a dream? She sat there for a long time, thinking, until she gave up trying to remember. She rose from her bed and went downstairs to see Lalna.

The End


Well, that was fun... Maybe if I get enough like or requests I'll do a full story. Please comment and favorite if you like it and I'll do more!

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