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Name: Yukari Rouge

Gender: 14 years old

Race: proper human (like in inu x boku ss)

Powers: Fire, Ice, and transform

Appearance: Long light brown reach at the waist

                          Oceanic Blue eyes (Like Shuu Sakamaki)

Parents: Mother - Rosa Lynn Rouge (Alive)(Queen)

                  Father - Kamito Rouge (Alive)(King)

Blood Type: Royal Blood

Personality: caring, lovable, good, kind, always happy, if

                         she was not in the mood she became diff.

                         person and easily blush

Likes: Hugs, chocolate, sweet candy's, color blue, sing,

             Dance, compose music and Animals

Dislikes: Sharp things, Ruka, Aidou(sometimes), perverts.

                   and bullies

Favorite Subject: All

Hobbies: Singing, Dancing, Composing music, cooking,

                   and Huggies

Crush: Akatsuki Kain :)

I'm So happy hahahah
By the way I'm In love with akatsukikain, Dont get angry to me peace ✌

~Patricia Sakamaki~

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